Sunday, November 11, 2007
How Many Calories In A Packet Of Mccoys

Saturday, November 10, 2007
What Kind Of Doctor Treats Ingrown Hair
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
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On September 13 the secretary general of Socialist Youth of Cantabria, Antonio Bezanilla, met with Sergio Gutiérrez Prieto, Secretary General of Socialist Youth of España.Ambos visited the "Area C" de Camargo and the farm of the comeback, with respect to which the mayor criticized Bezanilla Santander, Iñigo de la Serna, is aiming to hang medals that are not theirs "in relation to the implementation of protected flats, where, as noted, is the Government of the Nation to "solve" the "serious problems" City on vivienda.Como counterpart, the head of Socialist Youth of Cantabria criticized in the previous legislature, De la Serna, being a councilman, worked with the former Corporation "for not conducting many more of the 1,300 homes planned ". In his view," begins to be habitual, "the mayor of Santander" say one thing to contradict the next day, and is the Government of Spain that will solve the "serious housing problems" of the city and not the Consistory, he recalled, has responsibilities for planning. Bezanilla recommended that De la Serna "elevate the discourse" and prime "the general interest of citizens" on "partisan or electioneering "in order for projects to develop in the future the Executive of the Nation in Santander, as the Round of Bahía.Por hand, Gutiérrez Prieto, pleaded not" understand "the attitude of the Partido Popular (PP) during the previous term "torpedoed" the project and "delayed maximum". In this sense, criticized the PP, in his view, through De la Serna wants to "take heart" with "demagoguery and double-sided political game "at the expense of a project that" if someone "is of" citizens of Cantabria and the young people who desperately need public action in housing, "he said.
Friday, September 14, 2007
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The Secretary of Organization of Socialist Youth of Cantabria (JSC) Vicente Calvo Rivas , expressed his support and that of the organization leading to the draft Law on Housing, which has already under way in Andalusia, and asked the rest of the Autonomous Communities to follow the example of the Government of Manuel Chaves, and put in place laws that achieve effective compliance Article 47 of the Constitution, "which guarantees all citizens the right to enjoy decent housing." citizens, and especially young people, we need all the public authorities engage in a sincere way solving the housing problem. And of course, the Government of Andalusia has shown this commitment to a proposal that we hope will mimic the rest of the regional government, to ensure compliance with Article 47 of the Constitution, as part of their responsibilities . It is certainly good news, which generates satisfaction. "To Calvo in recent years from the Government of Spain has made great work, "which has not been easy, as the PP, in his eight years in office, managed to reduce to nothing the public housing policy, so it had to start from scratch to implement a policy social housing, which also needs the full cooperation of local councils and, especially, of the Autonomous Communities, with much of the responsibility, a partnership which has not always been true, especially where rules the PP, which is always has been more interested in torpedoing the work of the Executive of Zapatero, who in solving the problems of citizens. "Organizción The JSC Secretary explained that this collaboration should begin with the full implementation of the Housing Plan 2005-2007, since in many regions are not used resources from the government of Spain are at your disposal and the necessary amendments to the regional land laws based on state law guaranteeing 30% minimum of subsidized housing in new construcciones.Además, Calvo said that the solution to the problem of access to housing requires that all regional governments allocate at least the same amount of resources they receive from the Government of Spain to the implementation of social housing policy, including public housing under a purchase and rentals, and assistance for the purchase, rental and rehabilitation, among other measures. "This has been one of our main demands of recent years. It is unacceptable that there CC.AA not spend a single euro of their budget on housing policies, and limited to managing the money they receive from the state if they do. So the initiative of the Government of Andalusia has an added value because it can contribute decisively to assume that the autonomous regions to ensure compliance with citizens' right to enjoy decent housing is also affordable and above all, his responsibility, and that it must use all means have at their fingertips, giving them the State, and his own, "concluded the Secretary of Organization of JSC
Thursday, September 6, 2007
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Santander, September 4, 2007 .- The Secretary of Environment JSC, Manuel Hervás Nieto, yesterday asked Ricardo Costa, Secretary General of the Valencian PP, describing the completion of bitrasvase as "the height of the lack of solidarity Zapatero's water "to" immediately withdraw the statements made on the completion of bitrasvase, knowing that nothing but lies "
view of the young Socialists, the Ebro bitrasvase-Pas-Besaya is a successful intervention that will solve the water problems in Cantabria with minimal impact on the environment, the annual flow of the Ebro is not affected because the Pantano del Ebro is used as a flow regulator and therefore receives the surplus of the other two basins during times of drought. The PP should remember that this bitrasvase appeared in the National Water Plan approved in 2001 to vote for the EPP group, and the Socialist government has undertaken all transfers that appeared in the plan except one, because he not only conformed to the Water Framework Directive made by the European Union, and instead have implemented measures that increased the quantity and quality of water intended for the English east by the transfer repealed.
tortuous interpretation is made by the Valencian People's Party "is only understood from the desire to create tension and maliciously irresponsible, as the PP bitrasvase perfectly familiar that is environmentally impeccable and Water Highway Cantabria has no similarity to the Ebro transfer intended by the Valencian PP, "said Herve. Hervás
went on to say that "our highway is an exemplary method of maximizing the use of Cantabria water resources and respecting the environment without stripping any other region of the water resources required for current and future development, something that in the PP of Valencia should take note. Someone should explain that greater efficiency in their use of resources and opportunities under the new PHN, such as desalination plants would be more than enough to develop without ballasting to others "
JSC considers that he should first meet Costa is the Popular Party of Cantabria, and therefore we challenge Mr. Diego to abandon the ambiguous position that both branches and characterizes him and explain to his counterpart Valencia is why the positive bitrasvase Cantabria while harmless to the Ebro basin
It also recommended that the popular Hervás "stop looking statements that only media noise and more concerned to implement measures to increase welfare of citizens. It is high time to do something positive rather than simply to disqualify all measures are taken to ensure future prosperity and sustainability of Cantabria without raising real alternatives. "
Saturday, September 1, 2007
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Today at lunch while watching the news every day and given the terrible news of the arrest of a pederast in Cantabria that horror !!!!!.
To serve the new technologies if some people use them to harm innocent people who are the children the joy that you give me like a total and absolute shame that people should be able to abuse a child so small and helpless or some older children but as they do not know and who does it over a nearby say nothing or talk to horror! I am horrified to know that there are people around and above headers apart from that publishing is still much worse, but hey the unfortunate for life is the child will not have to think about it.
Worst of all is that pederast he knew what a good friend of mine so I hope you all are civil guard and lock up all the pedophiles Greetings
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
A Birthday Wish In Romainen
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Unfortunately yesterday morning I woke up with the terrible news of the death of Sevilla player Antonio Puerta, which I was a great pity as it was one of the best current players is great pity España.La you can not see the birth of his daughter but when that girl is good and have more stories of his father is so happy that you will feel super proud to have had a father so cool.
A big hug for the whole family and all