The Secretary of Organization of Socialist Youth of Cantabria (JSC) Vicente Calvo Rivas , expressed his support and that of the organization leading to the draft Law on Housing, which has already under way in Andalusia, and asked the rest of the Autonomous Communities to follow the example of the Government of Manuel Chaves, and put in place laws that achieve effective compliance Article 47 of the Constitution, "which guarantees all citizens the right to enjoy decent housing." citizens, and especially young people, we need all the public authorities engage in a sincere way solving the housing problem. And of course, the Government of Andalusia has shown this commitment to a proposal that we hope will mimic the rest of the regional government, to ensure compliance with Article 47 of the Constitution, as part of their responsibilities . It is certainly good news, which generates satisfaction. "To Calvo in recent years from the Government of Spain has made great work, "which has not been easy, as the PP, in his eight years in office, managed to reduce to nothing the public housing policy, so it had to start from scratch to implement a policy social housing, which also needs the full cooperation of local councils and, especially, of the Autonomous Communities, with much of the responsibility, a partnership which has not always been true, especially where rules the PP, which is always has been more interested in torpedoing the work of the Executive of Zapatero, who in solving the problems of citizens. "Organizción The JSC Secretary explained that this collaboration should begin with the full implementation of the Housing Plan 2005-2007, since in many regions are not used resources from the government of Spain are at your disposal and the necessary amendments to the regional land laws based on state law guaranteeing 30% minimum of subsidized housing in new construcciones.Además, Calvo said that the solution to the problem of access to housing requires that all regional governments allocate at least the same amount of resources they receive from the Government of Spain to the implementation of social housing policy, including public housing under a purchase and rentals, and assistance for the purchase, rental and rehabilitation, among other measures. "This has been one of our main demands of recent years. It is unacceptable that there CC.AA not spend a single euro of their budget on housing policies, and limited to managing the money they receive from the state if they do. So the initiative of the Government of Andalusia has an added value because it can contribute decisively to assume that the autonomous regions to ensure compliance with citizens' right to enjoy decent housing is also affordable and above all, his responsibility, and that it must use all means have at their fingertips, giving them the State, and his own, "concluded the Secretary of Organization of JSC
The Secretary of Organization of Socialist Youth of Cantabria (JSC) Vicente Calvo Rivas , expressed his support and that of the organization leading to the draft Law on Housing, which has already under way in Andalusia, and asked the rest of the Autonomous Communities to follow the example of the Government of Manuel Chaves, and put in place laws that achieve effective compliance Article 47 of the Constitution, "which guarantees all citizens the right to enjoy decent housing." citizens, and especially young people, we need all the public authorities engage in a sincere way solving the housing problem. And of course, the Government of Andalusia has shown this commitment to a proposal that we hope will mimic the rest of the regional government, to ensure compliance with Article 47 of the Constitution, as part of their responsibilities . It is certainly good news, which generates satisfaction. "To Calvo in recent years from the Government of Spain has made great work, "which has not been easy, as the PP, in his eight years in office, managed to reduce to nothing the public housing policy, so it had to start from scratch to implement a policy social housing, which also needs the full cooperation of local councils and, especially, of the Autonomous Communities, with much of the responsibility, a partnership which has not always been true, especially where rules the PP, which is always has been more interested in torpedoing the work of the Executive of Zapatero, who in solving the problems of citizens. "Organizción The JSC Secretary explained that this collaboration should begin with the full implementation of the Housing Plan 2005-2007, since in many regions are not used resources from the government of Spain are at your disposal and the necessary amendments to the regional land laws based on state law guaranteeing 30% minimum of subsidized housing in new construcciones.Además, Calvo said that the solution to the problem of access to housing requires that all regional governments allocate at least the same amount of resources they receive from the Government of Spain to the implementation of social housing policy, including public housing under a purchase and rentals, and assistance for the purchase, rental and rehabilitation, among other measures. "This has been one of our main demands of recent years. It is unacceptable that there CC.AA not spend a single euro of their budget on housing policies, and limited to managing the money they receive from the state if they do. So the initiative of the Government of Andalusia has an added value because it can contribute decisively to assume that the autonomous regions to ensure compliance with citizens' right to enjoy decent housing is also affordable and above all, his responsibility, and that it must use all means have at their fingertips, giving them the State, and his own, "concluded the Secretary of Organization of JSC
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