FAES and PP do not want to leave the image of Aznar in the election campaign, then we will help you remember why you do not want.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Congratulations Cliaprt

missing a few hours for the big debate, face to face, or confrontation, Rajoy-Zapatero, Monday, February 25, at 10 pm.
After 15 years without discussions of this nature we finally have the opportunity to hear the two candidates for president of government in the elections next 9M. In 2004 D. Mariano dizzy partridge to wriggle out of the debate, with pilgrims arguments. This time he said that debate even under a bridge, a say. Finally, in a format carefully assessed, we will have the opportunity to see and hear. The interest is guaranteed.
the part of D. Mariano, to which we have heard many accusations during the campaign longer history, which began the day after the election, must concretar cuándo, cómo y qué ha negociado Zapatero y cedido a la banda terrorista y sería bueno también que concrete cómo sabe que Zapatero sigue negociando, en secreto, porque decirlo lo dice. Viene diciendo, nos quiere salvar, que Zapatero es un peligro para España, que España no aguanta otros cuatro años de gobierno de Zapatero. Si son pálpitos o convicciones morales que lo diga y si tiene indicios en los que apoyar la relación causa efecto que no los calle. Que explique en qué se basa para decir que a Zapatero se le ha subido la Moncloa a la cabeza y se ha olvidado de los trabajadores, ” la alianza con el planeta y ¿ quién se alía con el currante?” (la falsa enseñanza religiosa to which I submitted to me said that God saw everything even our most secret thoughts, going to be that today does not believe in God and Rajoy no one thinks he's God). Good question D. Mariano, of course Pizarro is clear.
the part of Zapatero I see and hear that it is saying in recent days, which need not apologize for trying to seek the cessation of terrorism, does very well and I try every chance I get, that Spain does not give or break if not handled by fascists salvapatrias.
would do well to appear with one eye open. With two double crispa.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Denise Milani Wearing Button Vest
Reforming the blog
Well as for this last month I have not had time to write here in my blog today so I do with this news which I think is one of the best at last for hours we ince campaigning for me is a time of reflection and valued citizens who want these next four years in office to an archaic game that lives in the Franco years or a liberal party with ideas that have brought this country to be the best judge of mundo.Vosotros but I prefer a left-wing party such as the PSOE.
I respect the decision of each one but the people who are undecided to look at what they offer both value and what they prefer not only for themselves but for the rest of the English.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Aetna Community Health Network
Rajoy: Jekyll & Hyde
This is not our Rajoy, we have changed.
We met during the term will end in 20 days the true Rajoy, the Hyde Rajoy, sinister (but very clever); to Rajoy, not resigned to defeat, scourge of Zapatero, the herald of the apocalypse native, echoed by Acebes , Zaplana, Cañete, and other mariachis; coinspirador of all conspiracies, Mena sympathetic to some nostalgic protector and guarantor of all ETA false accusations against the government (where we get); unusually unfair as opposed to the war against terrorism, unconcerned all other matters of state that does not give revenue Crisp or election, pulling out without a valid rationale to a motley crowd of followers trap for fools, blessed by a reverend, who shouted against the government demanding resignations and shootings. Upcoming
elections we are at Rajoy Doctor Jekyll, recognizable by the scientific community (to be similar to the prime), that fixes issues where others put tension (I must stress that, for him is synonymous, and others did not put, say they favor, as is normal), leader of the hard workers, accompanied by one losing my shirt Pizarro achieved last year for its own out 2,300 million pesetas (current mileurista); champion athletes, widows and the poor, that will put common sense in emigration contratillo sign advising of all, to respect morality surely learn to insult all the epithets that Zapatero has spent the good of man, the most genuine representative of real socialism, the imperative to prevent Spain from sinking, but it takes almost as long as he traveling to sinking the center and moderation.
The process was reversed RLSteverson story chronologically, but schizophrenia is the same.
for me this guy has eaten the entire crop of salad fly agaric that have sprung up this past fall.
Bible already, her face foreshadows the result looks like a pillar of salt.

This is not our Rajoy, we have changed.
We met during the term will end in 20 days the true Rajoy, the Hyde Rajoy, sinister (but very clever); to Rajoy, not resigned to defeat, scourge of Zapatero, the herald of the apocalypse native, echoed by Acebes , Zaplana, Cañete, and other mariachis; coinspirador of all conspiracies, Mena sympathetic to some nostalgic protector and guarantor of all ETA false accusations against the government (where we get); unusually unfair as opposed to the war against terrorism, unconcerned all other matters of state that does not give revenue Crisp or election, pulling out without a valid rationale to a motley crowd of followers trap for fools, blessed by a reverend, who shouted against the government demanding resignations and shootings. Upcoming
elections we are at Rajoy Doctor Jekyll, recognizable by the scientific community (to be similar to the prime), that fixes issues where others put tension (I must stress that, for him is synonymous, and others did not put, say they favor, as is normal), leader of the hard workers, accompanied by one losing my shirt Pizarro achieved last year for its own out 2,300 million pesetas (current mileurista); champion athletes, widows and the poor, that will put common sense in emigration contratillo sign advising of all, to respect morality surely learn to insult all the epithets that Zapatero has spent the good of man, the most genuine representative of real socialism, the imperative to prevent Spain from sinking, but it takes almost as long as he traveling to sinking the center and moderation.
The process was reversed RLSteverson story chronologically, but schizophrenia is the same.
for me this guy has eaten the entire crop of salad fly agaric that have sprung up this past fall.
I wonder how God to the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah. Will there be 50 righteous men to save the cities of divine punishment? Or translated to this case: No two million English sensible they decide not to support this "Got Fingered" the 9M? Something
I wonder how God to the punishment of Sodom and Gomorrah. Will there be 50 righteous men to save the cities of divine punishment? Or translated to this case: No two million English sensible they decide not to support this "Got Fingered" the 9M? Something
Bible already, her face foreshadows the result looks like a pillar of salt.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Find A Merchant With Merchant Id
sometimes about life
My office mate says he has plenty of life, that life for her has lost consciousness, or what's left to live does not care who comes to the same thing.
It is a thoughtful person and rarely wastes neither time nor words, so I always pay much attention. I think the best conversation you can have with someone who is smarter than one, this is the case, is none. Because, see, what advice you can give without falling into clichés and without enlarge the intellectual distance between them: again none.
That in most countries of the world people live worse, children work from five years and not go to school or have medical care or anything ... and why, because these are still plenty more life , if you have not noticed is because they do not have time to think about anything else other than own survival and that of offspring, and if you do not have time to think, what you want to live, for if you da best to think later, another man, as if thinking is improvised.
But there is another misery more miserable than the material: it affects affluent societies that have low school but has served, met heads who do not hesitate to kick him so hard-won rights that do not hesitate to vote xenophobic populism, whether right or left, and that they become nothing wrong things, they can sell to his fellow man for a mess of pottage. As for this trip did not need so many bags, if that is what seems to us looming in Europe, is not I who give reason to my partner, but I do not lack desire.
Well, to take a bit of drama to the situation, the only thing that occurred to me to tell you is that you wait for the 9-M after having voted Zapatero promised me that.
My office mate says he has plenty of life, that life for her has lost consciousness, or what's left to live does not care who comes to the same thing.
It is a thoughtful person and rarely wastes neither time nor words, so I always pay much attention. I think the best conversation you can have with someone who is smarter than one, this is the case, is none. Because, see, what advice you can give without falling into clichés and without enlarge the intellectual distance between them: again none.
That in most countries of the world people live worse, children work from five years and not go to school or have medical care or anything ... and why, because these are still plenty more life , if you have not noticed is because they do not have time to think about anything else other than own survival and that of offspring, and if you do not have time to think, what you want to live, for if you da best to think later, another man, as if thinking is improvised.
But there is another misery more miserable than the material: it affects affluent societies that have low school but has served, met heads who do not hesitate to kick him so hard-won rights that do not hesitate to vote xenophobic populism, whether right or left, and that they become nothing wrong things, they can sell to his fellow man for a mess of pottage. As for this trip did not need so many bags, if that is what seems to us looming in Europe, is not I who give reason to my partner, but I do not lack desire.
Well, to take a bit of drama to the situation, the only thing that occurred to me to tell you is that you wait for the 9-M after having voted Zapatero promised me that.
Friday, February 8, 2008
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