sometimes about life
My office mate says he has plenty of life, that life for her has lost consciousness, or what's left to live does not care who comes to the same thing.
It is a thoughtful person and rarely wastes neither time nor words, so I always pay much attention. I think the best conversation you can have with someone who is smarter than one, this is the case, is none. Because, see, what advice you can give without falling into clichés and without enlarge the intellectual distance between them: again none.
That in most countries of the world people live worse, children work from five years and not go to school or have medical care or anything ... and why, because these are still plenty more life , if you have not noticed is because they do not have time to think about anything else other than own survival and that of offspring, and if you do not have time to think, what you want to live, for if you da best to think later, another man, as if thinking is improvised.
But there is another misery more miserable than the material: it affects affluent societies that have low school but has served, met heads who do not hesitate to kick him so hard-won rights that do not hesitate to vote xenophobic populism, whether right or left, and that they become nothing wrong things, they can sell to his fellow man for a mess of pottage. As for this trip did not need so many bags, if that is what seems to us looming in Europe, is not I who give reason to my partner, but I do not lack desire.
Well, to take a bit of drama to the situation, the only thing that occurred to me to tell you is that you wait for the 9-M after having voted Zapatero promised me that.
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