walk all very busy now with all matters that take place in English society the economic crisis, the
'water war' and tricks nationalists, the trouble in the Popular Party, the celebration of
May 2, 1808, death of Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo
-second president of the democracy- ... Unfortunately the issue of 11-M has been forgotten. Usually not because the topic of conversation, and is not what concerns us most. After all we have above, cojitranca, but sentence.
I am one who think the battle will be fought in the Supreme Court. The prosecution, the convicts and the victims have already filed the appropriate resources. I also think it is needed now more than ever, that the Justice then show off their best virtues. It is necessary that peace comes to the victims, the convicted if they were innocent, and recognition in their work, which from the media or in the street, have called the Truth of 11-M. It is imperative that the truth will prevail over lies, for justice to prevail with the English.
Victims' associations now support almost all the weight of the load, you would expect their efforts are, without further impediment to the attention of their members, "this is the thesis of an association strongly established in Catalonia and imbricated with Pilar Manjon, and is correct to think so but the fact remains, we can not agree with what has been known and sentenced on the 11-M. These issues are not possible compromises. Thus, victims, and those who support them, we might find that complete the puzzle of the 11-M, had no faces in the picture. And this is the big problem we face.
On April 19, the newspaper said
World on the cover: "The prosecutor asked that no public hearing of the resources of 11-M '. It said in its editorial:
"The prosecution wants to turn the 11-M ' ' Who, after Case 11-M, demanded that we should give up the conclusions to which we took our research and will abide by the official version now have another reason to revise their proposals or, at least for reflection. The prosecution has asked the Supreme Court that no public hearing of the resources of 11-M, so that the writings of the parties to vent in private. We believe that if everything fit and was as clear as we have been led to believe there would be no problem if the process was transparent, especially when the trial itself was held before the television cameras. But it's also always has reviewed the Supreme resources causes of terrorism in public view.
precautions Perhaps the prosecution provided that relate to its contradictions and the enormous gaps that remain in the case. And, in the appeal that the prosecution has submitted to the Supreme devalues \u200b\u200bthe role that the slaughter was attributed to Rabei Osman, the Egyptian. He was charged in his day as an inducer of the attacks and leader of terrorist organization. Olga Sanchez and Javier Zaragoza asked why 38,962 years in prison for him. We linked to the slaughter by a call to be intercepted in Italy (where he is currently in custody) and who boasted that it was all idea.
The court acquitted him not seeing enough evidence in what was a final blow to the Public Prosecutor's argument that there were three masterminds: the very Rabei Osman, Hassan el Haski and Youssef Belhadj. These two just ordered them as members of terrorist organization and not as inducers of 11-M. A The Egyptian was not even convicted of membership of a terrorist to have been already tried in Italy for the offense.
Now the prosecutor wants the Supreme Order of the Egyptian jihadist terrorism as a simple, no direct relationship with 11-M. In this way, divided by 4,000 and his request for sentence and only sought 10 years in prison.
understand that the prosecutor be afraid to be discussed in public the reasons that led him to abdicate their arguments in a fundamental aspect of his story accusatory. What is left once again in evidence is that the official story that wove the prosecution to explain the 11-M was full of mistakes and still do not know who organized the slaughter. " Meanwhile
Luis del Pino wrote in
Digital Freedom on 5 May:
'But then, applying the same reasoning, we can not say that the seven killed in Leganés placed the bombs, because neither no one who see them in trains and there is no other indication that the put them. In that case, would someone please tell us who planted the bombs that killed 192 people? " Mario Gascón UCO collaborating in research plots of explosives is providing clues that are not being taken into account "?. Gascon himself, hiding abroad, has asked state and who is considered a protected witness. Their testimonies while making serious allegations are not comfortable, but were comfortable Did Amedo statements in the GAL case?
seems that we were not devoid of reason called "Conspiranoids", however, this reason, few or many, is partial while many of the issues surrounding the investigation did not bring the case puzzle pieces needed to complete
crisp, precise . Without such evidence, the portrait is incomplete, as in other court cases an eternal mystery that will end on the shelves of bookstores, only dusted off for the enjoyment of hunters fables.
Outside the court, there are many facts that are weakening the movement in defense of the Truth of 11-M.
In the media it seems that everything goes against even gives the impression that the newspaper El Mundo has lost some thrust shown once, only Libertad Digital TV on your channel, maintains a constant pulse to the weekly news'
11-M: sentence. "
Jaime Ignacio del Burgo
, living history of our democratic development, author of "11-M. Too many unanswered questions," he left active politics. Eduardo Zaplana
has left the House to engage in private enterprise.
Angel Acebes has left the Secretariat General People's Party. Mariano Rajoy
was a change of direction in the newspaper El Pais before the elections on March 9 and in the televised debates did not defend itself from attacks by Zapatero when he used the M11 as a weapon (
I and
II). Alcaraz
April 20 left the address of the AVT, fortunately, his successor, Juan Antonio García Casquero
together with the current vice president of the AVT
Angeles Pedraza, take up the decision to promote research to fully clarify slewing 11-M. Angeles Pedraza's daughter, Miriam, was one of the 191 victims of the slaughter.
The betrayal of the ideas have not been lacking. 
The November 2, 2007, Montserrat
Nebrera ran a letter to Mariano Rajoy
through the pages of 'El Periódico de Catalunya', Mariano Rajoy had welcomed the decision of October 30 and then encouraged to continue investigating. That said,
'If you allow me an opinion interested (interested in victory) I think the door that connects us with some past needs to close' Later
Montserrat Nebrera invite to
Tribuna de San Jaime, to present their views on the 11-M, and what was initially a hit, became a typical game of cat and mouse. The scandal formed on those statements, it remains alive in our area for obvious reasons.
On Thursday 08 April, comes the news that Black Pawns
City Marbella, Don José Aguilar
Jury and Don Pedro Jesus Diaz-Portales Gómez were sanctioned by the council for breaching Municipal ordinances that prohibit 'distributing propaganda' as a guide -28 October 2007 -. This city is ruled by the Partido Popular.
The information is outside our borders
on the attack in Madrid on March 11, 2004, is partial and often inaccurate.
himself Department of State United States , it relates to Al-Qaeda (AQ) and its leader Osama bin Laden in '
Country Reports on Terrorism 2007 '
On April 6, presented in Barcelona
the "Index of Economic Freedom
2008 '. This act was sponsored by FAES and intervened in the same
Daniel Sirera , chairman of PPC, and Catalunya Institut Futur, or what is the same FAES de Catalunya. The Index is published by The Heritage Foundation, The Wall Street Journal and
FAES and measures the degree of freedom worldwide. You can read the section on Spain
'The current prime minister, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero came to power after the bombing of Al-Qaeda produced in Madrid in 2004, promising to withdraw immediately English troops from Operation Iraqi Freedom ' Do not holding the former president Aznar
in interviews after the presentation of his book "Letters to a young English," the 11-M
"was not invented in remote deserts and mountains in the distance" and was planned to "change the political course" ?. Remember that the word Al-Qaeda does not appear in Case 11-M. What has changed for FAES publish this document in these terms?
Continued tripping, they will not make us to stop claiming: 'Truth, Justice and Freedom. " We can not allow the Truth
be humiliated in front a la mentira y la Justicia frente al agravio. Verdad y
Justicia son conceptos intemporales.
Sin ambas la Libertad está comprometida .
Gabriel Morís , ex Vicepresidente de la AVT escribía así:
'Ante todo este fraude y este despropósito, ¿qué puede hacer el pueblo
? Si el Estado de Derecho no defiende a los ciudadanos
, la única alternativa del pueblo consiste en echarse a la calle para reclamar aquello a lo que tiene derecho: la verdad y la justicia que le niegan sus propias instituciones. Seguro que antes o después lo conseguiremos'. I think we agree.
posts in this situation, we must ask, as a precaution, whether the issue of 11-M is just an isolated incident or part of a whole of a long-range plan. Most fans see it that way, but then the problem is to fit into the storyline of the "Great Conspiracy." It is easier to treat as an isolated event, part of a pointillist painting, where other facts are in perfect harmony with it, a spot of color that says nothing except in the distance.
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