understand that many people do not like snakes, even in photography.
true that some families of snakes, reptiles, snakes may produce bite fatalities. It is therefore necessary to learn to identify, understand their habitat and take appropriate precautions. Know that all are necessary in the balance of the ecosystem where they live, to respect and not be bothered when humans occupy its own territory.
true that some families of snakes, reptiles, snakes may produce bite fatalities. It is therefore necessary to learn to identify, understand their habitat and take appropriate precautions. Know that all are necessary in the balance of the ecosystem where they live, to respect and not be bothered when humans occupy its own territory.
A persistent superstition in rural maintains that some snakes, including the bastard (Malpolon monspessulanus), or the ladder (Elaphe scalaris), which called bastard either, because they reach more than five feet length, suck the cows or other ruminants. I've heard stories affirming a strong and detailed. The
belief in the avidity of human milk snakes is so widespread that in many places where there are mothers and infants closed doors and barred windows for fear that the introduction of a snake or a bastard in, attracted by the sweet aroma of mother. There are almost everywhere in the world with a mimetic literalism that snakes have the ability to get into the bed while she sleeps and you extract the milk without noticing. The child ends deteriorated until he has discovered the cause.
are also very common
testimonies of people who have seen some bastard with hair (as impossible as the above assumptions, an elaboration of a fact simple, complete with convictions handed down orally). Interesting
testimonies of people who have seen some bastard with hair (as impossible as the above assumptions, an elaboration of a fact simple, complete with convictions handed down orally). Interesting
some magical quality that was attributed to the bastards. We found nests of small birds in the field. What we communicated child to child, with a limitation, you could not say in front of a fire at home, at home, because if it was said before the fire ate the bastards. By chance it ever happens to both.
bias associated with ignorance and fear, legends and false beliefs about snakes, rooted in ancient myths of our culture, have created a widespread phobia, an irrational hatred that drives them to death mercilessly wherever they appear.
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