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| Monday, May 18, 2009. Year XXI. Number: 7091.
OPINION EDITORIAL The 'bystanders' analysis of 11-M interview published today with Antonio Iglesias, one of eight experts who participated in the expert on explosives ordered by the court's 11-M, is devastating to the decision of the Audiencia Nacional upheld by the Supreme Court. The data that this chemical puts on the table show that was issued on false pretenses and conditioned by a more than likely handling the investigation. Iglesias is blunt in saying that in the samples collected at the station of El Pozo "appears a sketch of Titadyn." The ruling assumes, however, which broke out on the basis of Goma 2 ECO dibutyl phthalate present in the analysis. However, contrary to what the text says Gomez Bemúdez, this element serves as a "differentiator." In fact, I was in the Titadyn seized from ETA Cañaveras days before slaughter. During the expert opinion of 11-M was detected their presence, but then camouflaged under the generic name of "phthalates", so that the court will go unnoticed by a factor that could have changed the verdict, at least in regard to Trashorras paper and fabric Asturias. Coincidence or manipulation? It is now that Iglesias has found that the reference to hiding the dibutyl phthalate.
Monday, May 18, 2009. Year XXI. Number: 7091. SPAIN 11-M / research / ANTONIO IGLESIAS / chemist, expert in the trial of 11-M "appeared a sketch of Titadyn" The chemical expert has reviewed all of the analysis that the explosives were made of 11-M and found new data Countering the claim made by the ruling and suggest that it was Goma 2 ECO, but another explosive used in the slaughter MANUEL Marraco Antonio Iglesias stopped working "against the" two years ago when, in San Isidro, 2007, concluded the expert on explosives court ordered the 11-M. From that moment, and calmly began another charge that he alone had been driven by "compressed dissatisfaction" that had left the haste with which the eight experts convened by the High Court had to work. Response .- The focus could be analyzed best in the station of El Pozo, it is highly likely that Titadyn. All display components, see the sketch of Titadyn, that's what made the analytical. P. - The truth is that the judges left the door open to using another explosive, but focus the story and convictions in the Goma 2 ECO stolen in Asturias. His report sheds much criticism of the resolution that affects the explosives. R. - The sentence, with all due respect, it has many gaps, although I understand the difficulty of the judges to move through the field of analytical chemistry. Says with a devastating emphatically that in all outbreaks, such as dibutyl phthalate was detected, oblivious to Titadyn broke Goma 2 ECO. However, also ignores the presence in all foci of dinitrotoluene (DNT), which is not part of that explosive. That is to say there, sir. It does not say anything to the EOD wash samples and not to keep the material, although any student lab knows you have to do it. P. - In addition to what you can criticize the decision, you bring new and relevant data that the court could not take into account when drafting. For example, in the Titadyn Cañaveras seized from ETA in itself was dibutyl phthalate, although his theoretical absence led the court to err on the Goma 2 ECO, yes it did. R. - The analysis made in this Titadyn had seen him 20 times and I had not noticed, but one day I look and think: 'That which has so marked here as generic as phthalates correspond to what in the database life have been calling dibutyl phthalate. " It was an important finding. The fact that we knew it is because the expert civil guard who did the analysis was content to put the generic "phthalates. P. - Among the multitude of analysis of the review there are others whose expertise led him to say that the rest of explosive found in the van of the terrorists and the standard sample of Goma 2 ECO delivered by the chief of the EOD , Juan Jesus Sanchez Manzano, came from the same cartridge. R. - is one of those things that no attention until you stop playing against the clock and say, 'I'll review all of the charts there. " I noticed looking at photos of the expert. Dynamite contains starch and the starch has a grain that can be dyed. I saw the huge similarities between the sample who say they came under the passenger seat of the Kangoo and the so-called standard sample. I thought that statistically it is impossible or extremely unlikely that two different cartridges have the same grain. This analytical technique is common in the Scientific Police precisely to discriminate types of explosives based on their size distribution. Q. - there had to be deduced that the same source? R. - is an important indication, but that's another one: that of all the analysis that has been made of the two samples has left an unwelcome guest of stone, which is the methenamine, a compound that is not part of the Goma 2 ECO. So we are faced with two samples having the same particle size and the same compound should not be in either. This combination of evidence permits the inference on the common origin of the two samples. Q. - In your report states that findings like these pointed to the falseness of the evidence of the Kangoo and questioned the validity of summary. R. - Is it a coincidence the less startling, but not for me to witness that there was an irregularity. I know that you took the samples to the Scientific Police, but there is enough material to suggest that the two samples are part of the cartridge or have been together in the same place at the same time. P. - These two findings has made you in the quiet of his office. There were others, however, that occurred during the expert together with experts and officials led to a great start. The first was another unwelcome guest, the dinitrotoluene (DNT) was Titadyn component and not the Goma 2 ECO in which the prosecution insisted. R. - The first surprise comes when we analyzed a sample of outbreaks of explosion. We Andrés de la Rosa, of the Scientific Police, and myself. We were a bit surprised. We tried several times and said that DNT. We called the director of expertise and we told him. 'Ah, come on, you're crazy, how you will be DNT! ", He said. Why did he say this, why surprised? Because there was a dogma that had exploded on trains Goma 2 ECO and lame now, as someone said. And of course, the Goma 2 ECO no DNT. A lot yuyu Alfonso gave to admit, they had no noses to do it, says: 'Now I'm going to shit on the mother who gave birth to the EOD. " I remember it well, said it appeared the day DNT and said in front of the cameras. P. - Outside of relief with the EOD, what was your reaction scientific? R. - That created a huge stir in the laboratory. Alfonso Vega told his superior, Miguel Angel Santana. The next morning brought us together and says, 'Do not think it was DNT foci of blast impurity is probably the fabric of Goma 2 ECO. " But the factory said it had stopped using DNT in 1999, we sent samples of the substance were negative. few days later, the clerk tells us to take note that the previous night had been a blackout in the facilities and the camera had stopped recording. One is good and thinks that these things happen. It's bad when you start to connect the dots of strange things. It is rare that there was no prompt to restart the power at the police headquarters, but is starting to appear in samples traces of DNT Goma 2 ECO. And they are now, what a coincidence, after not discovered in 2004, after appearing in the spotlight and after a blackout ... Q. - There was a second appearance. In the best conserved, a fire extinguisher powder rest, nitroglycerin detected, which again is part of Titadyn and not the Goma 2 ECO. What happened here? R. - For horror, horror. Great confusion, especially among the official experts. The first reflex of Alfonso Vega is: 'I have mistaken, it is not possible, we will be tested. " Is repeated in two pieces and comes out ... Alfonso was reluctant to admit it was nitroglycerin, experts from the Guardia Civil is accepted. In the end, Alfonso had to admit it. P. - but had not specifically requested, the court received immediate notice of that finding. R. - I communicate with independent experts. So we stay calm, because the judge could no longer escape it. Views surprises, blackouts, who would tell us that at Easter, without recording the cameras ... you could expect anything. Was rife and a climate of suspicion that created Alfonso Vega, he will know under whose orders. P. - After several months into a expert so dense and so many surprises, what led him to move forward? R. - A compressed dissatisfaction. We know that explosives are much more effective the pills are, and I was very compressed with it. I started writing a few days. I submitted all the criticism, I reviewed the characteristics of explosives and the experiments we did. In late 2008, I submitted the endorsement of the Association of Chemists, which entails the recognition and institutional support for professional the author. In addition, it underwent the trial of three other independent experts who participated in the skills of the court. I remember there were amazed and expressed their agreement and willingness to support the letter. What counts is new, the analysis of which appears Titadyn dibutyl phthalate and the photomicrographs with the starch granules. That is the extent of any chemical that is open to the opinion and have seen it. Q. - Is there something relevant to investigate? A. - This is already legal treatment ... P. - From the point of view scientist. R. - Let's be practical. Reanalyze the samples are subjected to the uncertainty of a chain of custody that has left much to be desired when the EOD washed the samples when the light goes off mysteriously, when they appear without knowing how traces of DNT and nitroglycerin in samples that had been analyzed ... I do not know what may appear on what was there. Analytically not think it has great value, because, after five years, the state of the samples will have deteriorated and increasingly have more limitations in terms of quality. Q. - And you still reviewing some point? R. - Yes, but we will not forward events. TENSIONS AMONG EXPERTS "The Civil Guard is not swallowed with environmental pollution" Question .- The final phase of the expert showed that there was not even agreement among the experts from the Guardia Civil and the Police. Answer .- A few days before the deadline of submission of the report to the court, we met with many discrepancies. We had not reached agreement. To facilitate the drafting of the report, the civil guard Carlos Atoche says Gabriel Moris [expert by the AVT] and me, 'What do you think if agreed an opinion?'. To me, agree it sounds a bit dodgy. In science is not consensual, marked evidence. 'What do you mean by consensus? "I asked. 'Man, we do agree that the DNT is an explosive [that required another explosive addition to the Goma 2 ECO] and we do not agree with what he's talking Alfonso [Vega] pollution. " I told him we could not reach an agreement because it believed in its explanation on methenamine. That same day, when we returned to the Forensic Science Laboratory, we heard an altered environment in the next room, that of Miguel Angel Santana. Voices were heard, say, the divergence. Then come Vega Atoche and fighting among themselves. Already had scored between two schools official experts, the proponents of environmental pollution and the Civil Guard, who do not swallow it. P. - The largest initial match of the Guardia Civil with the independent experts did not last until the trial. R. - At the end, the view, we missed a lot of radical change in attitude of the Guardia Civil. Saw no possibility of dialogue with those who, apart from their professional expertise, have a number of obligations of the chain of command that ultimately have weighed decisively in their arguments. That was over as the string of dawn. P. - The main reason was that, as theory would not admit the contamination with the police wanted to explain the emergence of what was not part of the Goma 2 ECO, did not accept how the Civil Guard methenamine explained that appear where there should be none. R. - maintained that was generated in the gas chromatograph under certain circumstances. In fact, if we accept the theory for the purposes of argument, which is generated in the sample of the Kangoo and the standard sample, and not in some other samples, is another indication that they have a common origin. With more humor, Gabriel Moris Atoche ironically told: 'Carlos, I congratulate you, because you discovered a method of manufacture of methenamine!'. Tuesday, May 19, 2009. Year XXI. Number: 7092. ISSUE: MADRID SPAIN
Chemical BATTLE CARLOS ROMERO, expert in the 11-M "The police chief of the expertise we wanted to tease" This expert supports the findings of chemical mate of expertise in the 11-M Antonio Iglesias. Suggests that broke Titadyn and denounces the efforts of the experts suspect official version of the fiscal underpin MANUEL Marraco Answer .- He informed us he has done and the conclusions reached and fully endorse it. I talked to the dean of the College of Chemical supporting my partner. The report is there, you can analyze and anyone can read and draw their conclusions. P. - Despite what the four independent experts said in the final report, the court was inclined to the official version that had broken Goma 2 ECO and not Titadyn. R. - We could not conclude categorically that it was because we had no material Titadyn enough. We were surprised to reach a skill of three pairs of whiskers with samples which were laughable. Only had a sample of the spotlight good, not washed by the EOD. If I had found two other similar samples, if the washing water samples have not disappeared and if the trains had not been cast, we found more. But there was only that sample without washing. The wash is a standard technique, but we must keep the water because it is proof of the crime. If the strips, they come back they find nothing, that is what happened to us. P. - The emergence of foreign elements the Goma 2 ECO and present at the Titadyn caused tensions between the official experts and you, especially with the head of the expertise, Alfonso Vega, of the Scientific Police. A. - I told Alfonso that he disapproved chemically. We teased. Some things are obvious, we wanted to tease unabashedly. It is all recorded. We must now check all that have not camouflaged. In the recordings are all technical discussion of expertise, how they have tried to tease and we have not stopped, how people burst into the expertise that had nothing to do with it. Is all we have suffered for three long months. Q. - During the trial, you emphasized the similarity between the analysis of the findings in this sample is not washed and the analysis of Titadyn intact. R. - remember that the court expert provides the chromatogram of the sample, which was nailed to Titadyn. [The judge] Gómez Bermúdez told me to shut up six or seven times, but I wanted to make that clear. The chromatogram is nailed, is nailed. Everything, all the peaks had appeared Titadyn, everyone. At first discard that sample powder extinguisher because logically, it was within the extinguisher when the explosion occurs, and thereafter as an artificer or whoever applies it to focus. But I called the technical director of a manufacturer of fire extinguishers, also a chemist, and he said that this product has great absorption and adsorption capacity. He said, 'This is like a blotter, is a replica of what is there. " P. - Your partner Iglesias said he felt an immediate need to review the material obstacles and haste with which they had to work. R. - I also felt like going to review many things. I was very wrong body and every day I remember the victims.
Monday, May 18, 2009. Year XXI. Number: 7091. SPAIN
Trial two prisoners to talk to police WORLD "And, meanwhile, two police officers are honest and 24 days in jail for the only crime to speak with a reporter from the world. " This quoting figured in all the editorials in this newspaper for several weeks in December 2006. The 24 °, which coincided with Christmas Eve, was the last that agents Grill and Celestino Antonio Rivera spent in jail on charges by Judge Juan del Olmo of telling a story to an editor of this newspaper. An anonymous contributed 70,000 euros that night missing to complete the extremely high bail of 300,000 euros imposed on them by the magistrate, and allowed the two policemen pasasen Christmas with their families. begins today in the Court of Madrid the trial of the two protagonists of that episode. The only sure thing is that in no case will return to jail on the same tests that Del Olmo kept in custody for 24 days, the prosecutor who took over the case when he became the ordinary courts asked only a fine of 4,200 euros. The two deny having provided information to the journalist Fernando Lázaro, which may offer at the hearing his version, which had not occurred throughout the investigation of the case. Del Olmo was on duty in the National Court on August 15, 2006, when a police informer was involved in Leganés five sticks of dynamite. Judge initiated an investigation on suspicion of trafficking in explosives that could have a terrorist purpose, the only case in which would be competent. Bond exorbitant The investigation uncovered a plot police dealing drugs and explosives. In December, the judge's arrest coincided with the corrupt group of two policemen (Rivera and Grill) whom he accused of leaking the news, as if between them there is any connection. Del Olmo continued to extend his appearance when, in the same car, ordered the prison for the two accused officials only by revealing secrets and three members of the mafia plot. And yet, when set to Parrilla Rivera and exorbitant bail of 150,000 euros each. Two weeks later, Del Olmo assumed that it had no jurisdiction and referred the case to an ordinary court. The judge took allowed to release the securities, who met through a charity collection organized by the English Confederation of Police. Tuesday, May 19, 2009. Year XXI. Number: 7092. ISSUE: MADRID OPINION PRINTS / The imposition of official truth 11-M... And two policemen were able to go to jail "for disagreeing" Tuesday, May 19, 2009. Year XXI. Number: 7092. ISSUE: MADRID SPAIN
"Do you think that might be disagreeing on the 11-M?" The judge, one police officer jailed for Olmos to speak with MANSO The Madrid Provincial Court yesterday held the first session of the trial against the two officers to the judge Juan del Olmo jailed for 24 days under the sole charge of reporting on an investigation into journalist Fernando Lázaro WORLD. The prosecutor asked now, with the same tests, 4,200 euro fine. When the agent Antonio Parrilla defended his colleagues saying that internal affairs "lied" to implicate him in this case, the presiding judge, Miguel Hidalgo, responded by introducing a new element: "Do you think it could be due to disagree with the official version of 11-M? ". Neither the prosecutor nor the defense, not even any of the two defendants had done so far not a single mention of the participation of some of the Grill highlights of the investigation of 11-M. The agent had said he met the journalist of this newspaper "after being in jail" and that the internal affairs brigade manipulated a report to put you in a meeting with him in a cafeteria. "I want to get on the subject ...», reflected. The judge interrupted: "What reason to believe they may have to want to implicate?". - "I do not know why Just ask them," replied the agent. - "Let's see ... You participated in the investigation of 11-M. Belonged to the UCIE. He was in the detention of Trashorras, the operation of Lavapiés ...», introduced Judge Hidalgo. - "Yes, yes ... I was confident driver ...». Cartagena The conversation continued until the judge directly asked the defendant if his fears had to do with their differences on the investigation of 11-M. Grill agent did not answer, just finished adding that breaking the Exterior Information Central Unit (UCIE) of the Police after Operation Nova. "Look, this is a fake," he said. Judge Hidalgo insisted if he was a witness of the "line conspiracy" in the trial of 11-M ... and dialogue was diluted. Judge Miguel Hidalgo, a former policeman and president of Section 16 meetings of the Court of Madrid, participated very actively throughout the session and participated in all interviews. Showed a very precise knowledge of the details of the investigation, and questions not only manifested their interest in the main subject of the case-the alleged disclosure of WORLD-secret, but also in other adjacent, as a Russian woman a month in jail for drug trafficking even though the wiretaps had shown that he was the victim of an assembly organized by corrupt police also fiddle with Goma 2. Indeed, agents are accused of having leaked to this newspaper mafia data on this plot. The session began with the reproduction of the CD where they can hear the conversations of journalist Fernando Lázaro with the defendant Celestino Rivera. Then this policeman was questioned to give his version of events: in essence, is that it was the editor of this newspaper who gave him a draft containing detailed information about a mafia plot within the Police, and not vice versa. The agent, by his own account, would have given data transfer to the Provincial Information Brigade to avail. cops that group, who were the next to testify, confirmed that it was, and that while Rivera showed some interest in knowing how the investigation progressed, they provide no reference. Finally, appeared in an internal affairs agent, who did not say how he identified as a person Grill met with Fernando Lazaro in a cafe in Madrid. (11-M) | |
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
How Many Tables And Chairs Should Be In A Resto?
The 'bystanders' analysis of 11-M
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