In the letters, from Puerto Rico
(Enrique Laguerre: In your own words)
by Carlos Esteban Cana In the letters, from Puerto Rico, has had cycles, 'Metamorphosis' by using language Kafkaesque, since the middle of the last decade of the twentieth century, began her first steps in a section in bookstores, in the magazine Literary Workshop (although their actual history we can trace them in 1989 in the journal Paths). The truth is that among the several series that have been designed in the newsletter Conversations are
fragmented Words found, international writers and in their own words. In his own words has played the voice of various personalities in the literary world boricua. Ana Maria Fuster, Luis López Nieves, and Costa Marithelma have been some of these authors. Today, this series shows, in first for this blog of writer Angelo Negron, the first part of an interview with Enrique Laguerre course, back to 1992. In fact it is saved fragments of a longer interview that was lost.
Laguerre means a lot to me, was the first writer of importance with which I could talk. The eternal teacher met me at his home in Hato Rey. At that time I was a young university student who had completed
The benevolent masters. That was the tenth novel I read of his own, still my favorite even today
Surf. Editorial Novela Plaza Mayor launched last year in an excellent annotated edition by itself Marithelma Costa. In fact, was the hangover the first novel I read by Laguerre. And that issue with which I ran in high school was far from thorough historical and literary study that unfolds in the 80-Costa introductory pages preceding the novel. I enjoyed this new edition, especially the timing, not to erase our footprint boricua the map, and footnotes as the novel takes place. Today's students will undoubtedly have a privilege that I had in my time.
In this first part of Laguerre
: In his own words, the novelist talks about what it means for a writer the various experiences they are. Both Laguerre and Manuel de la Puebla (poet, professor, director of magazines and Julia
Mairena ) have been my mentors, and post about Don Enrique is to honor a teacher who like Julio César López and José Ferrer Canales belong to an elite class of humans who have left their mark deep in Puerto Rico. In this conversation I read then retain a signed copy of
Enrique Laguerre: In their own words (What could survive an interview conducted on October 31, 1992).
One writes. Always
autobiographical elements in a hundred novels that you write or a hundred dramas. Yes You can not do without writing anything if there autobiographical elements in what is written, because those are the first experiences you have. Are the most important experiences of a writer, life experiences, his own. Of course, that does not mean you do not use other experiences as, for example, the experience of others, which is what I call vicarious experience "that comes through other people and you do yours. And what is read in books or hear on television, these are vicarious experiences. But if you have an accident, that experience is primary, if the accident is one that would be a vicarious experience. And there's another experience such as being Puerto Rican, that's a collective experience. And there is another one that is universal, the experience of being a human being, ie the same thing happens to an Eskimo could happen to me the same thing can happen to a Japanese can happen to me also . This is the fourth significant experience and all that is in a tacit, though not explicit in my work.
In a work like The flare many autobiographical elements, my initial experiences. Solar Montoya also
and Hangover are present those experiences Dolorita
childhood experiences can have mine of my childhood. My latest novel,
twins, has many autobiographical elements. The experience is there, the twins, are experiences I had with my brother who was a merchant seaman and traveled to various countries: the experience of the character in the novel are the experiences my own brother.
I mean I can not write anything if there is an autobiographical experience in what I write, in one way or another, either using my own experiences, the experiences of people close, the experiences of my fellow citizens, or life experiences from universal. I love you, I hate, I get angry and I get angry, just as given to any other person in the world, some with more intensity, others with more self-restraint, but we all have the same sensory experiences.
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Carlos Esteban Cana is communicator and writer. Magazine founder and collective Literary Workshop, a democratic space in Puerto Rican letters. He has served as editorial coordinator, independent cultural journalist, and has also worked in the television industry. His creative work has been published in national magazines and newspapers such as The Basement 00931, Ciudad Seva, Puerto Rican Narrative, Letters Wild, Culture, Dialogue and El Nuevo Dia, among others. In regard to the international arena and its narrative poetry has been published by Cultural scanners, cargo area, Palavreiros, Embrace and the Bulletin of New York, among others. Recently some of his stories have been translated into Italian. He has also participated in various media reflecting on the cultural landscape in the country.