Memories crowded. Almost goes to blows with Gaspar. The discussion had been about a manger, some incense and a child o. .. Was she? Put hands and fumbled in his pockets. The left took several jewels you look at them, as still as he could, he did bounce the flash light making threads of light. Fell down on his knees. He found it strange that your legs do not feel pain to the knees, although it appreciated the palms of the hands. She cried for a long time. The other two wise men had rejected him because, they say, he was very drunk.
- Damn! - said - not what I saw.
Rabies gave new impetus. He sat as he could. The promise to avenge the insult was mixed with the high volume of alcohol in the blood and it was bustling in the brain. Gaspar is the pay.
- does not deserve to carry the garment of Wise Man - convinced it was said, almost biting his tongue.
All - mused - should be aware. I would ask someone to find out what made the famous King's hand inside the pants of the boy holding a gift. He recalled the child's frightened eyes. Got into his car and sped to the fullest. The blinking light witnessed the dilemma of the king and the wheel which snaked no curve. The Fourth Wise Man was to crash into a concrete wall. He was killed instantly. He died with the desire Gaspar desist that give gifts to one child and God knows how many more.
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