Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Deparure Time In Liverpool

...... late March and ends in March criticizing

Hello dear friends and now we just head to the news of the moment

a week away

If then: With less than 7 days 7 days ...................... nothing but


The Last Wednesday I found out by the cable news that he had died a legend of cinema: the great Elizabeth Taylor

This beautiful woman with violet eyes and beauty knew how to win the whole film mecca. Icon film, winner of two Academy Awards, a long history that is reflected in his films, her seven husbands, her stormy life and his dedication to the fight against AIDS were worth a lot ... ...

This time able to overcome failure heart, who suffered from long ago ... ... was buried on Thursday in Mausoleum in Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale , California, where he is buried one of his most famous friends
Michael Jackson
now be happy together his best friend Michael Jackson and maybe once again see some of their husbands, as Mike Todd and Richard Burton

Rest in peace ... ... ..


The OAS has stated to our cuisine as World Cultural Heritage

Incredible: everyone has surrendered to our dear food (hmmmm) to the most skeptical ... ... no doubt: our kitchen and our food is the best in the world

So let's take a pisco sour to celebrate

THINK Before Twitter

should do is what many artists before writing their twitters sonserias, and then complain when not everyone gets to comment, but to destroy them for what they write

If you have not read what they have put some stars like David Bisbal, Chiara Pinasco or Adammo drummer boy who became very ill-advised comment that earned him criticism ..... even after hasrtas put a video repenting, and was

So, first think and then twitter, yaaaaaa

WHEN NOT .......

There are two cases here I'm going to tear right now because for me he has no brain or brain

One is a "pseudo suicide attempt" by a girl figuretti had no better idea to call. Magaly chismefono ............. the TV and everything for the filmed doing his little theater that tried to kill himself

apparently turned out to be as bad or actress or never learned as is actually the real suicide but made a fool of in front of the cameras or .............. pants even have to cut the veins (there will be hardly made some cracks that healed up was wrong, because who the hell ....¿¿ happens Ashes use tape wound instead of putting a gauze or cotton? ?

If you want to kill, beyond her ............... but never, never use of any camera via TV ... because it's bad taste to see someone who kills or attempts to kill just by looking pseudo few minutes of fame

The other is that many candidates do not even have brains or vocation of service to the country, a ejm: gems are not only seeking reelection, others that will only fatten your wallet at our expense (with our tax) and now a candidate Pucallpa had no better idea ..... naked, apparently because he has no money to finance his campaign and giving interviews naked

Congrezooo wonder today is so lacking in personality and sees everything ..... now ...... hopefully these candidates and the electorate to think carefully before voting


Yes ladies and Gentlemen Beatles fans: be preparing his best suit, their savings, or we have, go joining his sencillito, because just confirmed that former Bealte Paul McCartney arrives in our beloved country ......

With much effort and private estrcito, the entrepreneur who now makes our dream of seeing him live and direct, Jorge Ferrand, announced that the artist has confirmed its presence in the month of May and the grand concert will be at Estadio Monumental ...... the ticket prices not yet known how it is, but what we do know is that will come out to a sale the next week, a day after you leave the official announcement to the press event

.....¿¿¿¿¿ A if there is any club that fans of the Beatles active?? by fisss avisenmeeeeeee

TODAY IS .....

Earth Hour so ...... that after 8:30 pm off all your electrical appliances or unplug them better (less cooling because it kills your mom) and collaborates with helping preserve our dear planet that is suffering sore

¿¿ Ok??

And now to see my friends, we vemosssss

Sunday, March 20, 2011

When Is Going To Be Fixed By?

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Cover Letter No Experience Or Degree

World Tour - 03/15/1911 - Interview Zaplana

The most important of the interview is that it puts the focus on days 11 to 14. There's more evidence on the case of 11-M Gomez Bermudez was on the table. The bombs exploded 11-M but the attack was completed on 14-M, from there up ZETAPAD protagonist.
inkjets have run on the events until March 11, 2004 and related directly to the attack, but ... Have you done the same with what happened until the English cast their vote? At one point in the interview, said that Zaplana 'played with them' (with government) Who?
This is the question, some already have the answer.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tender Cervix In Pregnancy

In Confidence - Especial 11-M - 13/03/1911

not miss this special 11-M where Casimiro García-Abadilla interview with Federico Jiménez Losantos Esther and Saez, victim of 11-M offers a impressive witness.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Alabama Football Field Cake

11-M: 7 years later. Special Veo7, LD-TV and Intereconomía

11-M Special Around the World - 03/08/1911

Special 11-M in Debates of Liberty (LDTV) - 03/13/1911

Special 11-M in the upper hand - 08/03/1911

Friday, March 11, 2011

Kingdom Hearts 365 2 Emulador Ds Psp 2010

seventh anniversary

the silence and sadness have been present on Friday at the Puerta del Sol during the tribute organized by the Government of the Community of Madrid in memory of victims of the attacks of March 11, 2004, from seven years to comply.


in the past, overcast skies and cold temperatures accompanied the political authorities present in the kilometer zero of the capital, where, under the melody of 'Mozart Requiem', have paid tribute to the 192 people killed in the explosion of suburban trains, the wounded and those who participated in the rescues.

punctually, at 9 am, the president of the Community, Esperanza Aguirre, and Mayor of the capital, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, accompanied by President of the PP, Mariano Rajoy and the PP parliamentary spokesman (David Perez), PSOE (Maru Menéndez) and IU (Gregorio Gordo) have Real left the Post Office to place a wreath on the plaque in memory of the deceased on 11 March and the people who helped the victims.

The crown has been carried out by two students from the Police Academy, which, together with the authorities after bringing to the plate, have saved about a minute of silence. The permanent tribute that can be seen on the facade of the Real Casa de Correos highlights the "memory of the victims" and "exemplary behavior of the people of Madrid", which reads as, "stand forever."

Along with them have been also, as in previous years, the president of the Association Victims of Terrorism, Maria Angeles Pedraza, and the president of the Association to Aid Victims of 11-M, Maria Angeles Dominguez, both serious and sad trembling.


The event, which ended with the national anthem, have come to the delegate of the Government in Madrid, Amparo Valcárcel, the government team of the Community of Madrid, the president of the Madrid Assembly, Elvira Rodriguez, Socialist Party Secretary General in Madrid, Tomas Gomez, regional deputies and mayors from various municipalities in the region as well as speakers in the city of Madrid, Manuel Cobo (PP), David Lucas (PSOE) and Angel Pérez (IU).

In the 'ring' that is formed at the Puerta del Sol, also attended by representatives of all bodies that attended and relief to those affected: Fire Madrid, 112 Emergency personnel Madrid; Emergency Madrid and local police.

also inaugurated a monument in the station of El Pozo in memory of the victims. The inauguration of the monument has brought together politicians from different parties, including the president of the PP, Mariano Rajoy, the mayor of Madrid, Alberto Ruiz-Gallardon, and spokesmen for the three groups, Deputy Mayor Manuel Cobo (PP), David Lucas (PSOE) and Ángel Pérez (IU).

have also attended the delegate of the Government in Madrid, Amparo Valcarce, the Socialist candidate for mayor of the capital, Jaime Lissavetzky, former Mayor John Barranco and councilors of the three groups.

has come the president of the Association of Victims of Terrorism (AVT), Angeles Pedraza, but no representative of the Association of Terrorism Affected 11M, promoter of the monument, dissatisfied with the way the council has organized the event and held Opening your own this afternoon.

The president of the Association Victims of Terrorism (AVT), Angeles Pedraza, assured on Friday, which marks the seventh anniversary of the attacks of March 11, 2004, if the statements of the 24 EOD involved in the transfer of the remains of explosives used in the 11-M today and they are interrogated provide some new evidence, the AVT "prompted the reopening of the trial."

Speaking to Onda Cero, collected by Europa Press, Pedraza has confessed that even as every morning at 7.39 in pain and "a pain in the heart" to remember the attacks in which seven years ago lost his daughter and 191 others were killed and 1,927 others were wounds, today has felt both "hope for the declaration of the EOD."

"I think after many years he has been silent slumber and 11-M, the fact that EOD can testify today gives me hope," he said, adding that it is "eager" to hear such statements because, in his opinion, "one must have conscience and heart and talk about something."

The subpoena comes after the Association of Victims Support 11-M filed a lawsuit against the man who was chief commissioner of the EOD when the attacks occurred, Juan Jesus Manzano, then max responsible agents who were responsible for the deactivation of the pumps and the Madrid bombings which took samples of explosives.

The Victims Support Association 11-M Manzano accuses of covering up crimes, perjury and failure to prosecute criminal acts and that, according to his complaint, the performance of EOD before he was commanding difficult to know the nature of the bombs, and therefore, the authorship of the terrorists who perpetrated the slaughter. "I'm anxious to hear the statements of the EOD because after all, from the AVT and I, as private prosecutor, if you leave a new test for Of course ask for the reopening of the trial, "he asserted.

Pedraza also explained that because" some pain "that victims' associations and political representatives are to hold separate acts of homage unlike previous years when The anniversaries of the attacks have been commemorated with a large institutional event which took place last year in Congress.

"I think both institutional and victims should have an act in a big way as every year in which we were all united, "said and assured that she, as a mother who lost her daughter in the attacks, is attending to everyone who has been invited.

has pointed out, however, that in their eyes, "the most important act" is the association organized the chairs in the Forest of Remembrance (Parque del Retiro), in which stands the Monument in Tribute to all victims of terrorism represented by 192 trees in memory of the dead 11-M. "This year will be even more beautiful because it will release 192 balloons in tribute to the 192 dead and each balloon will carry the name of one of those murdered that day," he added.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Best Shampoo For Men In India

Travel Items

this time, the southern area. Along the way we missing amazing sky with clouds. Such Outdoor is a blue so bright that we will ask how could the sun, we do not see it anywhere, agree with their surroundings to give us such a nirvana.

We will not hurry. We'll have each other. I'll drive, but with one hand at the wheel. The other will be lost in your hair on your back and why not? Where permitted. We stop occasionally to avoid wasting a kiss.

arrive first at the Santuario San Judas Tadeo. There will a sentence together. Hear from your lips the request of the peace of mind and growing love. Hear of mine that you are my peace, restlessness, my spirit and form, all my love. Faith in the pattern of difficult cases and desperate to feel sorry and pray for us is perfect for our intentions. Light a candle and even within this sacred place can not help but think of you naked to see the fire consuming everything it touches. St. Jude intercede, it is also our sacred

deserve it ... Then, visit a mall. Why? To have the excuse to walk hand in hand. Buy an ice cream crowned with strawberries. Melt the chocolate and vanilla in your mouth and let the strawberries for later. Fair to the output of area restaurants will discover a carousel. The carousel is the largest I've seen, has two floors and we decided to go on some of the petrified horses. In this seesaw will imagine your dance on me. The round the clock and I remember at that time a determination of the time and do not stop so we ...

think I'm dizzy from so much back. Not so, rather it is the recent kiss that you left me sitting not only on my lips but all my being. Your hand caressing my neck while my arm around your waist ...

We arrived at the Guancha boardwalk. I remain amazed at the landscape that harmonizes with your beauty. Bought some bait. We give a gigantic fish are always there. Then, to take away the smell of bait fingers, I wash my own hands. I brain-fingers in water and mild soap to leave your hands free of residual bait. When we realize and I enjabonándote to the shoulder. We blush almost without realizing it and bathed there. Suddenly we realize that we do not care, after all, are bathing with desire. Still, you insist on leaving. In the distance is the island which they call the "Caja de Muerto." I mention that I've never visited, I always wanted to go. Suggest that some day take me. I smile and I ask: why not now? Respond with a "first walk on the beach." We took off our shoes, but we do not roll up the pants. We intend to get wet. So we came barefoot to some place where you earn reefs to the shore. We try to observe the bottom, but not foamy waves permitting. You steal another kiss and caress my neck. As a sign of your power over me, squeeze me tight while your chest against mine. A point you to rent a small boat to take us to the island convince me of lying on the sand. You tell me so much good you ride. Want to be a tourist in your body and explore to colonize. Flushed look to both sides. Tomas my face in your hands and gave me a kiss.

That was just the beginning. Let's be calm after the third kiss. In the fourth kiss I depart from your lips. I'll kiss your naked body while little. I do it surreptitiously though I'm dying to get to the corner of your pleasure. I want to record the path that leads to it, however know that I'll forget many times as possible with the excuse of returning to the visitor. Your hand caresses my back and strong hair. The sound of the sea was choppy with the sound loses you deposit without hesitation in my ears and only manage to excite me more ... I'm home

your breasts. The caress without restraint as I once commanded. My tongue moves through them as if she had known forever. The pleasure that overcomes you invade me to me more and more. Change my tactics. You push my face down making it finds earlier than planned the treasure that I set out to find ... Explorart is divine. My tongue is lost between each movement of your body and sealed my desire to leave the pleasure you deserve ...

Ecstatic feel convulsed. Among the moisture from your body and let the sounds escape discover that you are about to catapult you into another dimension. This landscape I can not miss it for anything. I walk up to your face to watch you. My fingers continue to the pleasant work that makes it to rattle too ... We

. So, if you come I come. Fluttered by. Your face has rejuvenated more. Your eyes are closed by the ecstasy of the moment. Do not see mine than willing to repeat this as you are watching you: The owner, the Goddess, My Soul Mate ... After a few minutes

where hugging has been our way of life, we decided to sample the strawberries that you've saved. Tasty, as your taste and your presence. It is time to leave for somewhere else to consume love. Look closely at the place and ask me, like you, in my mind the landscape and the time just to enjoy. Kiss me again. You say that Our next stop will be lucky. It gives me the opportunity to get to heaven without the right to return ... My eyes pleading
show you the urge not to wait. I steal a kiss. Gently bite your lips. You answer the same, but there sure will be our next meeting. I sense that something you planned. The clock is stopped. Together we left the beach in awe leaving our caresses and recognizing that witnesses the meeting of two soul mates ...

Do 100 Scooter Wheels Fit On The Razor Pro

March: Countdown

Hello friends here back with the information and go straight to crack


and will not be long .... muajajaaaaaaaaaa


is currently called the fans as the player Luis Moreno kick to poor owl that fell the playing field in the middle game between Junior and Sports.

The player had the bad idea to kick the poor owl had an impact on their health, died on Tuesday night. Colombian courts ordered the arrest of the player, who must answer for the death of the local mascot, which incidentally lived in the same stadium where he died.

Many fans have launched their threats to the player who does not know what to do now to remedy a mess.

Pd, has been fined the player with more than $ 500 for what happened.

Watch out for SCAMS

I just found out via mail by a group of unscrupulous scams are making everyone with the story that won a visa to travel to USA

These people send fraudulent emails telling the person who speaks to a number and asking to deposit large sums of money in dollars to an account at a bank. Once the deposit is the fleeing outlaws

Already there are reports of this scam and the American Embassy has warned not to be fooled in this way and that help Peruvian justice system to catch these scammers.

So you know: if you see in your inbox mail a letter indicating the U.S. embassy visa prize ... .... Delete it right away, not without blocking mail

Case tell the police otherwise


So are calling at Callao, where every day we see a number of deaths at different ages, the product of the gangs that populate the streets, firing right and left

killed a few days ago a young man leaving a party, a girl was kidnapped, raped and murdered, there are robberies, blackmail, kidnapping etc.

The neighbors are tired of so much violence and over can not even be safe in their own homes, because the bullets go anywhere and can hurt someone innocent, including children.

They ask that at least the military part or having a curfew to curb such violence

to see if any authority makes them case


And Susana Villaran Mayor does nothing ... .. I do not understand what kind of people voted for this lady, the only thing you are doing is:

has dismissed a group of disabled people working in the town for no reason
was not concerned about the adornment

has paralyzed the work of the previous administration (for something will be nooo. Ah already: we have Iquino Castaneda)

top is about to change the zone to a portion of Groove for what? To benefit one of their rulers who owns the club who asked that change, noooo strange

has ordered to expel a group of merchants who were at the mall ... Chabuca Granda. .

still ranting ... .. and many more.

top of that, is entering the presidential campaign: What the hell is she to do now with the presidential candidates? Does any party looking to help you to apply again?

many are now regretting having voted for it ... ..


are doing now is like all presidential candidates in our beloved Peru. Less than a month and now, if you have left all kinds of strokes - between high and low - to avoid accumulating the votes of the undecided

seems cachascán fight or worse, a anything goes (all against all)

If then, there are many voters who still do not know which candidate to vote. So you have to think

Ditto postulated to Congrezoo, for I have seen many re-apply (the most famous and fair are the most hate), there are some new non- comfort me and others I have a question, or are first-time and do not know where they are getting or are a group of harpies who want to take their cut and secure their future

Even I still believe in voting flawed ... ..


The Archivo General de la Nación was also affected by the loss of many valuable documents from the Colonial era and Republican. The Director has announced that it closed for 90 days to file a national level, to reinvent and implement new security measures

to all historians and researchers, we are now ... ... pineapples


Magali TV program In announcing that it will be Monday 06 and invited the Tula Rodríguez, alias bataclana ... .... but also have another that is the clone of Gisela


is what scholars now say the drivers ... ... just leave a rule, which states that children, the elderly, pregnant women or people with disabilities must be included in the service units public transport, failing to pay fines ranging from 72 to more than 360 new soles

Police will operating in several districts to ensure compliance with this rule and the drivers or drivers breach of that rule ... ... the fine will be issued

So gentlemen carriers are advised


I find this track and I like the mix having .... I hope you like it too and bailarrrrr

Now if you'll go to visit my friends, update my Pensieve and seek information chauuuu