While declines in December, 2008 dying old accompanied by an early riser and white winter cold.
The start of last season, December 21, coincides with one of the two solstices. Is the shortest day of the year and the longest night. Since well before the start of our culture that has made these dates coincide with the main religious festivals are celebrated worship the sun and considered the beginning of a new annual cycle. The Celts worshiped the tree, which gave him power, and the Druids gathered mistletoe ritual of the oak trunks. The Gauls regarded the sacred oak tree. In these ancient traditions is inspired by the Christmas tree.
If I highlight a major development in the year ending in Spain is the triumph of the Left in the elections on March 9. The importance is that the tension was defeated, the falsehood and danger of division between the English. Did not win the "common sense" Mr Rajoy. It was a lesson in democracy, but the danger is not fully exorcised. There is evidence suggesting that back again. The fascists do not learn.
the world stage in Obama's victory in the U.S. offers hope for change in international relations. Also left behind una etapa de agresiones a la legalidad y al equilibrio entre los países. Se destapan ciertos defectos del sistema capitalista que obligan a correcciones. Bush ha sido nefasto y deja huérfano al mamporrero amigo de triste memoria que padecimos en España como presidente.
Posiblemente el acontecimiento más preocupante del año es la crisis económica, de todos conocida (y mucho más por miles de personas que pasan diariamente al desempleo). Su relación con el deseo de algunos del control de la energía , la acaparación de las materias primas esenciales (alimentos) por el gran capital, la especulación, la estafa, la falta de controles adecuados (organismos reguladores o gobiernos) , la nula efectividad application of justice or the lack of definition of such complex crimes, along with its global impact, forced to take joint action by groups of countries, whose effectiveness remains to be seen.
As at this time everything is permeated by the so-called spirit of Christmas good wishes, baskets, lotteries, business dinners, the mother-in-law, mobile messages, turkey ... Pussy, turkey! We'll meet again in 2009, overweight.
Happy holidays and happy 2009. Fall
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