Monday, March 9, 2009

How To Cut Indian Pajama

BCN citizen calls a concentration on 11 March in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin the V anniversary of the Madrid bombings

Black Pawns NCB convened a concentration citizen on March 11 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bin the V anniversary of the Madrid bombings

Barcelona March 9, 2009

Pawns Barcelona Black calls on citizens to go to the concentration "11 month" , which will take place on March 11 20 hours in the Plaza de San Jaime de Barcelona , with the purpose of requiring the knowledge of the truth in the Madrid bombings of March 11, 2004 and pay tribute to victims of terrorism.

This March marks the anniversary of V the 11-M , although this has been a difficult year for us, we have been faithful to our monthly meeting and have been present in San Jaime month after month. We will be in the square at 20:00, as always, will be a simple act but full of feeling because after five years and who likes it though: "WE want to know".

Black Pawns NCB wishes to thank the citizens who support our beliefs every day, which are yours, "and asked that they strengthen their resistance in these times of economic ruin and moral vacuum.

Yours sincerely,

Barcelona Association of Black Pawns
Truth, Justice and Freedom

Monday, March 9, 2009. Year XXI. Number: 7021.
police against Zougam Traps: 11-M remains open

Met Last week the fifth anniversary of the slaughter in Madrid, the biggest attack that has occurred to date in Europe, with a series of questions and questions that still have no answers. Neither the ruling of the High Court or the final decision of the Supreme served to dispel the many questions still remain about what actually happened and, in particular on the mastermind of the day matanza.Aquel twelve bombs exploded on four trains, but the only person who was convicted of Justice for their presence at the scene the crime was Jamal Zougam, whom the Romanian-born three witnesses reported seeing the wagons of the train in Santa Eugenia.

was the only evidence incriminating this young Moroccan, who, according to his testimony, did not know any of the members of Leganés command or connection whatsoever with fundamentalist elements. Zougam always proclaimed his innocence but was convicted. Security forces had come to Zougam because the cards of mobile phones that triggered the bombs had been sold at its booth. WORLD

reveals today that the National Police had documents proving that Zougam had been in a gym that usually went to half-past eleven in the evening of March 10, the eve of the attacks. But those data were not incorporated in the summary that instructed Del Olmo and were never reported to the court that tried Zougam and the other defendants. Neither the documentation provided their agency and that could clarify the sale of the cards.

The presence in the gym does not necessarily exonerate Zougam, but shows at least that could not be that night assembling the bombs in the house of Morata de Tajuna, as claimed by the police who were members of the command. On the other hand, it is quite unlikely that if Zougam had to get up at dawn to take part in an attack were doing gymnastics until almost midnight. Nothing

Zougam behavior in the days before the slaughter house with a fan who will participate in a crimen.Y still less his conduct during the March 11 and subsequent days until he was arrested. Zougam continued to normal life and did not flee and took refuge in Leganés with the rest of the command, as would have been logical if he had placed bombs.

any case, it is extremely suspect the concealment of these data served to corroborate the testimony of Zougam. Why not introduced in the case? The only explanation is that the police wanted Zougam was convicted of placing the bombs and only worked to strengthen the hypothesis that she had conceived beforehand.

Police were convinced that Zougam had contacts with members of the command of Leganés, and could not provide a single proof.

Zougam's participation in the slaughter remains unclear five years later, as the mastermind of the attacks. The lawyer José María Paul has just published a book in which he argues that a fourth, unknown plot devised, planned and ordered the placement of the pumps, since members Leganés command did not have the means nor the technical expertise to design this criminal action. The judgments of the Supreme Court and also this big question left hanging in the air. Ethically the case remains open.


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