Sunday, March 15, 2009

Pain In Parotid Gland Upon Drinking

anniversary of the attacks 11th: Truth, Justice and Freedom (speeches) Black Pawns


Barcelona Association of Black Pawns
Truth, Justice and Freedom
Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMarch 11, 2009


by Jorge Martí

Black Pawns Barcelona born with clear objectives, which are contained in statutes and summarized in defending TRUTH JUSTICE AND FREEDOM.

If we look at the Dictionary of the English Royal Academy about the word TRUTH, we find a first sense:

  • Judgement or proposition that you can not rationally deny.

not go into the meanings that derive from rationality, I will if a trial or a motion may be denied and that referring to the most elementary logic, the evidence conclusive, lead us to deny outright the version that until now, we have tried to believe about the bombing today marks five years.

Another meaning:

  • conformity of things with the concept that they form the mind.

born here a question and a recent statistic published by a media clearly leaves the concept that the mind has a very high percentage of citizens. An overwhelming majority opted for inveraz considered the official version with which, after five years, we have communion. Someone may say that the fieldwork for the survey was among a section of people related to the environment and thus akin to what, and gradually dosed, has been published but there, we move to a third meaning:

  • real Existence and effective

something being pragmatic and to avoid falling into repetition of what we have been exposing concentration following concentration: Are there really and truly the remains of the train as the first tangible proof?; Is there really and truly explosive confirmation second test used as tangible?; Are there real and effective unos autores intelectuales del atentado, como primera prueba intangible pero conducente a esa VERDAD?; ¿Existen real y efectivamente o, al menos, coinciden real y efectivamente con las personas condenadas, los autores materiales de atentado como segunda prueba intangible pero, igualmente conducente a la misma VERDAD?; ¿Existen real y efectivamente unos fines del atentado y unos beneficiarios de estos fines como tercera y cuarta prueba intangible?.

Estas preguntas y muchas mas podrían tener su respuesta en otra de las acepciones:

  • Conformidad de lo que se dice con lo que se siente o se piensa.

Aunque, por Unfortunately, a very large sector of society and says what he thinks or what he says, there is still factions that, by personal feeling and commitment to citizenship, remains steadfast in our convictions and that, recent news - practically since the Sunday - make us entertain a renewed hope that the truth we seek is imposed.

I will not dwell on this news as they are available to all of you and also come to agree with many of the points that have been outlined in previous levels although I will emphasize the publication of a book "The fourth plot" which is the author José María de Pablo, majority counsel for the association of victims and content, from a prism no journalistic or research, but only law can be quite revealing.

could continue with more meanings of the word TRUTH DRAE but I will conclude with a:

  • property that has always kept one thing from it without any mutation.

I must say as a preamble that, as a voter, activist and elected official of the Popular Party, it hurts me to say this but, mutation, revealed a few days before March 9, 2008, the date of the last election:

The PP has always wanted to understand that we are in a democratic system, believed, I must assume that your best intentions, he could tame the left. But the English left psychopath has its rationale in the cainismo and anarchism. Can not beat a game in which the player cheat, when you lose, you can turn the table upside down.

I can be risky in my belief, but has reached a point where many thought the same.

We are not in a democratic system, the Spain where, in ten, no one who thinks and nine who attack, or can not be democratic rather than the mind thinks.

The Government ventured back to the belief, set the table upside down that 1 March 1, 2004 and earlier dates, he knew and knows and abounding in the knowledge given and continues to manage time.

The PP, in an excess of confidence, never wanted to see and, in these circumstances, gains that have eyes and not blind.

The player cheat has marked all the letters and if necessary you can shoot or how it happened, cause a slaughter (sorry, I continue to be risky).

best is not leave the table out of the darkness under the trap.

It is best to stay inside, fighting, exposing the gamblers, not follow the game letting yourself silly fool over and over again.

What can not be is a PP, as we have reported more than once in this place, happened shortly before the last election, to have the protocol to join the enemy fire from the ranks to save an alleged image, to the great view, no crispador moderate, making cleaning at home and charging those who remained in the firm line.

Abandonment of causes moves us, is a clear example.


by José Díaz

Despotism, Dictatorship or Democracy

I enter into a theme that touched me to comment today, here on the anniversary of V M 11 attacks because I talk about "justice."
and I do so, because, I am reminded of that famous phrase of Alfonso Guerra, just as the PSOE into contact with the office in 1982.


were undoubtedly the most searing and aggressive words against justice, against freedom and against our young democracy.
was the beginning of the decline of the rights of English citizens, the start of a lack of respect for the law, the beginning of the politicization and manipulation of a vital and necessary power to enable independent living, and the survival of democracy, power should serve the people, from which emanates from certain representatives of same, shamelessly heeled and subtly, to the plans ordered by the executive in power.

rupture of the joint and independence of the three branches: legislative, executive and judiciary are accommodated well to the partisan interests, and the characters then and now, leaving citizens at the mercy of the possible dangerous finger.

were products of folly or revenge, the truth is that they were undermining the most important pillar of the state ... the law, "an entire people by imposing a style of government with an air of despotism, so if you into believing that we enjoyed a strong democracy.

And so the man stayed at the mercy of man.

all remember Rumasa certainly the case where the offense after the appropriation of private property by Night and treachery.

also countless cases of corruption committed by elected officials and servants of the people called on the ruling party and persons related to it, remember that except for a few honorable exceptions, remained unpunished thanks to the mediation or intervention of a judge and Prosecutor close to them, just as is happening today.

consensual eavesdropping The famous, if not ordered, by the head of the security services, and in which neither the king himself book.

The case "Gal" whose resolution, thanks Judge star is now cause for jokes, was a fiasco, being free of all blame the famous Mr. X. after the murder of nearly thirty innocent civilians.

Or that famous Minister of Interior who proposed opening the doors of our homes with kicks, as in the most rogue of communist dictatorships.

Thus, we not only financially bankrupt at the end of the 14 years of socialism but the spirit of the law as necessary for living life, dignity and personal freedom was suffering from rigor and equity.

Then came a period where the customs, moral, religious tolerance, and the aspiration for freedom in its most respectful and full, again took effect in the hearts of those who believe in justice and respect their independence.

were times of reaffirmation of the ethical, where right and wrong were separated by adherence and respect for the law.

It was that fateful 11-M, which woke us up from our dream, and again the progressive gains power again invade us doubts about the independence of the judiciary. It has been five years of divorce from justice to the people and their odd pairing with power. Again we see as

final decisions of higher courts, given in defense of freedom and rights of citizens are, one after another, shamefully broken and ignored by the government of the day.

five years ago today, 193 innocent people were killed, more than 1700 damaged not know how physically and psychologically damaged for life, we know, those if that 86% of people now believe that justice was not done with them or with the English people.

As the prosecutor should and must promote justice in defense of legality, the rights of citizens and protecting the interests public with the law, ex officio or at the request of stakeholders, and ensure in turn, the independence of the courts, not take steps to clarify the facts, not relevant to current proceedings could be so, judging truth those who conceived, planned, launched and gave cover to the perpetrators of the killing that morning of 11-M.

But if there was interest, wasteful, to point out as guilty, in which:

  • ended up being acquitted by the supreme tribunal as masterminds or materials.
  • Those who died in the Leganes flat and obviously can not defend themselves.
  • showed a special interest in linking the war in Iraq and the terrorist group Al-left with the facts. argument also cleared by the Supreme Court.
  • drew up a summary shameful and horrible to put before the court must judge.
  • was obvious evidence of tampering with evidence.
  • The lack of conviction of the same.
  • accepted a parallel trial, from the first day, carried out by the media close to the government.
  • tolerated the non-implementation of human rights on the accused, acquitted today, denounced this fact by a UN high commissioner.
  • etc, etc.
Today five years later, again denounce bad practices carried out by police officials in those days, lies, concealment of evidence, false documents, real baseless accusations, and arrests of dubious legality, etc. this, in our opinion, very serious in a state of law. PPNN

we firmly believe that justice shows its strength and open new investigation into the murders of 11-M with which to investigate, detain, prosecute and convict the truly guilty only then, English citizens, we will restore confidence in the more necessary and noble institutions. We

a law and equal justice for all, not selective as justice will take us as people domesticated the moral poverty and slavery to the powerful, so, from our dignity intact as free citizens, we reject the tyranny and dictatorship and securely, with just men who have to ensure our rights, our freedom, for the rule of law, and the development of our young democracy.


by Arturo

These paragraphs are culled from the book "Defense de la Hispanidad" Ramiro de Maeztu. The first edition appeared in 1934. Maeztu died executed in October 1936, a victim of one of the bags of Republican Madrid.

"We maintain our freedom, because man is so constituted that, however great regardless of their sins, he is always possible to develop, amend, improve and save. You can also go on sinning until it was lost, but what is says is that freedom is intrinsic to his being and his goodness. It will not be good but when freely BOUT or desires the good. And this metaphysical freedom, which is inherent, we owe respect. When we tell you lost track, but only with their own eyes will make sure that is the good, the prodigal son will open the doors of his father's house, but he will be the one under his own return to it, to point out her mistake the error, but the longing for truth will have to come of his own soul. This in regard to moral freedom. "

" external or political freedom comes from the common recognition of this intimate and moral freedom. Since man can not do good if it does not act freely, we must respect their freedom as much as possible. "

" In the breast of every man is written that the practice of freedom requires good, but evil, prisons and shackles. "

These words have a meaning in full force today (in general all the work), especially in the V anniversary of 11-M.
speaks of good and evil, of metaphysical freedom is inseparable from the individual and political freedom gives us. These basic principles were brutally violated the March 11, 2004, until today ...

sullied the intimate terrorists "decision" of his victims, these men and women who unknowingly had chosen to take the trains of death had not choose well, well, a fact of life had an unfortunate end for many of those who survived, became a constant fear, chronic. Since then, the murder became hopeless lives of the victims, with a hot iron was completely curtailed dreams, hopes, life projects ... It was intact the ability to decide? If essential. Not address the possibilities of life, freedom was also mutilated.

comprobábamos From our homes through television, the magnitude of the tragedy. Do we stayed alert to the media willingly? "We were conditioned by events? ... Here too was a victim of barbarism. It was the worst, but certainly metaphysical freedom of all that we witnessed the effects of the slaughter had been violated.

When from the SER, in times of heightened uncertainty, it was claimed that suicide bombers had been found in the trains of death, not only was manipulating public opinion with lies, essentially, was blowing capacity to decide, you will again violate the moral or metaphysical freedom.

When the opposition is harassed by the PP government through the media and at their headquarters. When used lies and treachery against the government's responsibility. When manipulated the expression of pain with slogans distributed in an organized ... our freedom is violated moral or metaphysical.

At this point, no possibility of error, we can say that in those days from 11 to 14 March, while some "moving the tree, others collected the nuts." The price paid was excessive, our freedom also was castrated by the intervention of the actors who benefited the most from crime. From this point of view we should look at those days as a whole, without considering the details, otherwise we lose the perspective of what happened. Maeztu not mistaken, "the practice of good demand freedom" or ... playing your message, practice evil is the contempt of Liberty.

The response of the English in the polls meant to entrust the management of political freedoms, those that are given, the team of Rodriguez Zapatero. Curiously full powers were entrusted by the Government of Spain for many of those in the days following the 11-M, had violated a direct or indirect moral freedom of each and every one of the English. But as Maeztu said: "The external or political freedom must be the common recognition of this intimate and moral freedom," and the new managers had committed the "liberticidio" How could expect the correction without even purpose of amendment? The Parliamentary Research Commission was an embarrassing show. Since then, the metaphysical freedom of the rulers, whose observance is necessary, has not met its ultimate function is to do good.

The disastrous management of public freedoms, for five years, has led to the English nation to a point of difficult return: Relativism, installed at the expense of individual liberty, society has set empty and blind, where it is possible example legislate for a 16 year old girl to abort backs of their parents, where parents can not choose the education they receive their children, where governments impose minorities, or where terrorists have been able to keep his speech murderer with state funding. To find more examples enough research in libraries.

The definition of "biggest terrorist attack in Europe," falls short in its scope, should be called the "attack on Europe's largest Freedom"-is understood in recent history. Those who actively or passively allowed their effects are "multiply" have no way out to rectify. The

11-M trial was the first opportunity to discover the murderers, to amend and correct the error "-freedom." Nothing is further from the truth: the sly lie was the companion of Judge Gómez Bermúdez, hid and manipulated evidence, it seems doubtful the direct involvement of the damned, and has tried so tortuous condemn those who had nothing to do. Do you also our physical freedom is threatened? Has anyone ever been entitled to seek the conviction of an innocent? The outlook is bleak ...

several months now, the economic crisis is the biggest concern of the majority, could do a similar analysis to determine the responsibilities of those who have led us to the current situation, we get the same result. You can not do good without the proper use of individual liberty first, and if there is public accountability, the responsible granting of political freedoms. "When we tell lost track", he said Maeztu, and this is what we tried to do from this place month after month. We also stated in this square with the arguments, that "What God has given us, we do not take it away from men, our freedom." Viva


You can not deny the rights


WORLD echoed by December 21, 2008 of this open letter Angeles Dominguez the presiding judge of the 11-M when the Criminal Court refused to give their partnership a copy of the explosives expert. Today is reproduced in full, for its renewed focus on the fifth anniversary of the massacre:
"Mr. Judge, I want to be aware and to internalize the terrible feeling of loneliness and helplessness that its recent decisions we have been victims of terrorism. Understand and take responsibility for the pain he is causing to the victims of the attacks with his behavior, since this is radically different from what we sent word that also is reflected in the same sentence you wrote. Gómez Bermúdez

Lord, we can not understand how you both attended and calmed us during the long sessions of the trial, is now a source of both anxiety and deep sadness that we produce. What could happen that, over time, has changed so behavior radically away from us and the promises he made, both orally and in writing in his own sentence?

is beyond our understanding how we come to this painful situation. I acknowledge that I had never imagined being in the position to write publicly to the president of the court that tried the attacks of 11-M to express that every day I feel further away from us when there should be no reason. And so, in this incomprehensible follows that you have adopted, has been located, now closer to some witnesses, which, in our opinion, committed perjury in his court-that the victims of the attacks.

systematically denying our requests for deductions based on evidence, it seems as if he had become the first line of defense of those they intend to prosecute for perjury. Believe me, it's hard to write, but much more is to feel this reality. How can they get away with this evidence that we are all stirred up during the trial? Do you realize the damage we are doing?

not go into personal details or private conversations with the victims but, remember the day when promised a group of students in front of some victims, a few witnesses would "Caminito de Jerez '? Remember the expression and content? I do not know what these students may think of you now, or our judicial system, but I know what victims feel and so I am passing. Let me remember what you wrote in the ruling and then reproduce it: "The court provided the parties requesting testimony to exert any action it deems appropriate sentence once the firm wins." Can not imagine how many times we read these words looking for a justification for their recent acts, but leave no other interpretation possible and we think the message is clear. So what happens?

With its continued refusal to exercise our legitimate rights we have no other choice but to ask publicly: that legitimacy can the Board to enforce its judgments in the future, when the court itself first to break the sentences that it has signed? Why court the victims promised delivery of the testimony that asks if, subsequently, consistently refuse our demands? Do you understand you, a little better, how we feel about his actions? Because it is very hard to start thinking that appeasing attitude and the promise written in his sentence were not, in fact, rather than a brilliant performance or a rhetorical phrase that were intended to reassure and then stifle our desire for justice.

If so, we do not accept us, and we want to express publicly that we will continue our efforts because it can not be otherwise. Because you can not deny us our rights or as victims or as citizens and perseverance and time will give us the reason in spite of his behavior. "

Pta. Association to Aid Victims of 11-M


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