Happy day to Santa Rosita and
Hola amigos como están, viendo que el clima varia como si fuese una ruleta loca, voy directo a lo que me gusta: informar (o rajar) jejejee
On Tuesday last I heard on the web "posts 20 Peruvian" that voting had been completed and presented the list of nominees. To my weird luck I have not reached the necessary votes and not on that list
most surprising thing is that the Peruvian Magic Society - Order of the Sun does not appear in the nominees, a fact that surprised me by having
popularity ... ... So I removed the logo because it has no longer any justification to continue in my blog ... .. will be for next year
I can not believe
It's incredible what I just read in the newspapers: the woman who burned her face and body part (when the madman that a husband who has boiled water because I miss him learned that the woman was going to leave) the insurance (SIS) does not recognize the costs and does not allow that such injuries including
What? ... ... ... ... ... pucha over the tax slug that closes the record, at least one judge ordered the capture of that wild ... ... which for high has the effrontery to criticize
See if someone puts in Lurigancho shape up to this ... ... ... ... ....
And the weeds are together again, appearing in newspapers a photo that gave talking these days: together in a cell are the murderer of the case , the crazy Dutch girls and the gunman kills Colombian case Fefer, smiling happily as if at a party
Who will take that photo? How do I access the camera? Does that give corresponding release these prisoners such as dangerous? Why are they together? So much fear they have for this trio? Let
answering those who run the INPE
ONE OUT ... ..
Alex Kouri was left with the desire to apply for the municipal seat, has been criticized for not being considered resident for tax purposes. At least this candidate has accepted the decision of the JNE
Still need to know about candidates who have this problem, these days will be exiting the results
I must find out if I left raffled as a member of table .... Argggg
What happened in the San Francisco Church is not even anyone's forgiveness or God, have killed a Franciscan priest and his assistant in order to steal the money from donations that kept the priest in a safe
were murdered so cruelly that only indicates one thing: the victims were familiar to murderers. Hopefully
caught and rot behind bars
There is a mafia that is calling to landlines and cell phones with cuentazo From
- Have won an
- that has a check
receivable - that a loved one has been arrested by the Police
- Etc.
These people are extortionists ... ... .. and just happened to my brother, but fortunately I communicate with my other brothers and learned the truth, so a tip: Do not ignore them and hang up, but before you call and alert your family and friends so they will not grip
fools And if the calls persist, make your complaint to the police ... ....
Day 30 (Sunday) celebrates the feast of Santa Rosa de Lima, patron of the polis, the Americas and the Philippines and I do not remember what else lol
Here brief bio:
Isabel Flores de Oliva, OP (* Lima , April 20 of 1586 - † idem, August 24 of 1617 ), better known as Santa Rosa de Lima, is a holy Peruvian hence the name Santa Rosa de Lima, the tabogana. Mystic tertiary dominica canonized by Pope Clement X in 1671 . Easter is the first America , patron saint of Lima and Peru (from 1669 ) and the New World and Philippines (from 1670 ).
is also patron of military institutions: National Police of Peru and Argentina Armed Forces .
Also, the day of his confirmation in the village of Quives the Archbishop Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo , called Rosa without someone could give notice to the Archbishop of that name as particularly intimate. Although mortified him to call it that, at age 25 accepted and wanted to be called Rosa de Santa Maria to reason that, as told her mother, went to talk to a priest the church of Santo Domingo expressing discomfort that caused him to be called "Rosa", but the priest reassured her: "Why, daughter, your soul is like a rose in which recreates Jesus Christ?". This quiet and safe was the name given him, being confirmed later, according to his biographers, in episodes of a mystical, for the Blessed Virgen del Rosario and later in the mystical betrothal for the Child Jesus.
Isabel Flores de Oliva known as Santa Rosa de Lima, Peru is a saint, daughter of Gaspar Flores, natural harquebusier San Juan, Puerto Rico and Maria de Oliva. Born April 20, 1586, date probable y casi segura (otros mencionan el 30 de abril) ya que es la fecha mencionada por el primero de los biógrafos de Rosa, Fray Pedro de Loaiza (su confesor también) y por sus padres como consta en el Proceso Ordinario, interrogatorio que realizaron las autoridades religiosas sobre la vida de Rosa. Fue bautizada el 25 de mayo de 1586 en la Parroquia de San Sebastián, en Lima por el sacerdote Antonio Polanco, sus padrinos fueron Hernando de Valdés y María Orosco.
His childhood was common and nothing flashy, his playing partner was his brother Fernando who always supported and helped. At twelve he moved with his family to Quives, a village 60 kilometers from Lima located in the Chillon Valley. This is where she will receive confirmation of the hands of another Catholic saint, Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo, his godfather was the town priest Francisco Gonzales. Quives is where apparently began with his mortifications contracting a very strong rheumatism with painful consequences for his recovery that she hid from her mother.
returned to Lima with his family and being a girl. Due to economic problems in the family, worked all day in the garden and used to embroider with great care for several families of the city and help to maintain her home.
Nevertheless, was happy with your lifestyle and had not tried to change it if it were not for the insistence of his parents to marry. Rosa resisted for over ten years and finally vowed virginity before the image of "doc" to confirm your decision.
After a few years he entered Third Order of St. Dominic imitation of Catherine of Siena .
Since then, virtually detained in the hermitage that she built with the help of his brother Fernando, at one end of the garden of his house. Just went to visit the Temple of Our Lady of the Rosary and spiritual needs of indigenous and black of the city. Also attended to many patients who came to his home seeking help and attention, creating a kind of nursing home and then helped Fray Martin de Porras, who now also is holy
In 1615 raider Dutch decide to attack the city of Lima, approaching the Port of Callao in the days before the feast of La Magdalena. The news spreads quickly to Lima and thus the proximity and landed at Callao, which alters the minds of citizens. Given this, Rosa brings together women of Lima in the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary to pray before the Blessed Sacrament for the salvation of Lima.
just heard about the landing, the tertiary up to the altar, and cutting the clothes and rolled up the habits put his body to defend Christ the Tabernacle. The mood in the neighborhood were alarming, reaching many of Lima to escape to distant places.
Mysteriously the Dutch fleet captain on his ship died days later, and this meant the withdrawal of their ships, without attacking the Callao. In Lima all the miracles attributed to Rose and his images so he is carrying to the city held by the anchor.
In Argentina and Uruguay for the month of August takes place the "Tormenta de Santa Rosa." Rosa traditionally attributed to the origin of this natural phenomenon that managed to escape from the enemies of Peruvian land
One of the highlights your life is the "mystical marriage", which occurred on Palm Sunday 1617 in the Chapel of the Rosary (Church of Santo Domingo de Lima). Rosa, by not receiving the palm should carry in the procession, thought it was a message from God for some offense that she had done, went to the bereaved and image Chapel of the Rosary and praying before the Blessed Virgin, he felt the call of Infant Jesus of the image, and said "Rose of My Heart, I love you by Wife", to which she replied in a trance "Here is your humble servant Lord. Tuya Tuya am and will be." In fact produce a ring sent to his brother
Near the end of his life, became seriously ill. spent the last three months of his life in the house of Gonzalo de la Maza, a notable counter government colonial , whose family he had particular affection . Here stands the Monastery of Santa Rosa de Santa Maria, Lima.
died at thirty-one years old in the first hours of August 24 of 1617 , feast of St. Bartholomew, as she herself has prophesied and Hansen Leonardo's father. The day of his funeral and burial, devotees rushed over her body to rip the clothes in search of a memory, hailed as a saint.
Today his remains are venerated in the Basilica of Our Lady of the Rosary of Lima (Santo Domingo) with remarkable devotion Peruvian people (and America) who visits the chapel dedicated to his worship in the Dominican Temple Cruise.
Post Mortem: His funeral was one of the most notable who lived in the city of Lima. In the house of the Maza family crowds formed to look at Rosa. The crowd had to wait for their transportation to the Church of the Rosary. The move came the Viceroy , the Secular and Ecclesiastical Cabildo, religious orders chaired by the order of Santo Domingo de Guzman, the judges and notables.
There required strength of the viceroy's guard to prevent Rosa was undressed by the devotees who wanted to take some relic. However, three times had to change habits and even moving some irreverent severed one of his toes.
On his deathbed, Gonzalo de la Maza did portray the face of Rosa. A painter called effect Italian Angelino Medoro , who made the first testimony to his physical appearance.
The devotion of the people was exceeded to such an extent that in a few years had to withdraw from the Crypt and place in the Church of Rosario
His house (The Sanctuary) located in the center Lima keeps the guidelines that were in the sixteenth century time he lived Rosa. Is visited annually by thousands of devotees, pilgrims and tourists who roam the environments that were directly linked to his life and love for others.
relics are preserved as a chapel where she prayed. Near the hermitage there is a pit twenty feet deep where his devotees place their wishes written, also preserves the room where he slept, the room (The Heart of the Shrine) on which the infirmary where he was born and cared for their needy brethren.
The Basilica-Sanctuary, was started after his canonization, with subsequent restorations during the XVII - XX had to be remodeled and opened finally August 24 of 1992 This place is the main point of pilgrimage for all Peru and popular support is comparable to the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico .
Figure Rosa de Santa Maria in the heart of the Peruvian people is a symbol of national integration, in her all social classes converge.
was part of the Dominican family in the province of San Juan Bautista del Peru. It was stressed by perseverance, determination, patience, his ascetic life and his dedication to the poor and sick, who attended one of the rooms in your home. Her favorite flowers were daisies, carnations and roses.
have over 400 biographies written about her.
Over a thousand faces in paintings, prints and sculptures, made among others by artists such as Francisco de Zurbarán , Claudio Coello , Angelino Medoro , Daniel Hernandez , Teofilo Castillo , Francisco Gonzalez and Gutiérrez Sérvulo .
From reforms liturgical calendar introduced in Vatican II , the feast of St. Rose of Lima is the August 23 (date to be held in Spain)
previously celebrated on August 30 , and that is the date that is held in Peru and other countries American of which is patron, and also in the rite Traditional Roman .
In the Republic of Peru is a holiday and its image (discovered on the day of the canonization in 1671 in Cathedral ) through the streets of Lima.
August 31 marks the Day of the Blog, so before my congratulations to the winners of the top 20 blogs made day 27 in the Auditorium of the Telefonica del Peru
As always recommend the top 5 blogs (according to me) and are as follows:
- Martin, osea yo: A very interesting blog of a friend of mine who is dedicated to Cartoon and I recommend
- The Pezweon: his face is one of the most visited ... ... curiously not yet been able to legalize their logo because the Indecopi considered to be "vulgar" but already has many followers. I've been told you have a blog
-Ely Pensieve Weasley: A super fun blog where the author tells not just a little of his life, but also some things or feelings that mankind does not usually pay attention; so if you think a lion (Gryffindor read) this is your meeting place
-La Orden del Sol, a group of fans of the Harry Potter Saga assembled not only in his blog, but also in their forum.
- Cinescape: the best film program led by Bruno Pinasco, has its face, though his blog goes a bit outdated ... .... If you want to go to the movies you know where
ultimito see what I should also mention Rodrigo's Blog , the Maple, the Mystery Conan, ED - The Prophet, and my other friends that I will put here
And of course my beloved blog joins the celebration
Greetings to all my friends bloggers facebookers and twitters: to celebrate stated
At last I'm going to update my Pensieve and visit my friends
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
Catchy Bakery Slogans
Bloggers A 11 days of September .....
Hello friends who may only a few days to approach a new month, I go straight to what happened in this week
On Monday, I just found out that he died the best comedian we've had: Alicia Andrade, better known as Doña Cañona
saddest thing is that there has been not even a recognition in life and health insurance.
victim died at home of a heart attack along with some family
The beloved comedienne Alicia Andrade, who in the 80's was part of the cast of the hit comedy show "Risas y Salsa" Panamericana Television, shared roles with actors such as Anthony Salim, Guillermo Rossini, Adolfo and his inseparable friend Chuiman Esmeralda Checa.
Andrade, moved away from the cameras five years ago. His last appearances were in the sitcom "The Thousand and one of Carlos Alvarez" in Frecuencia Latina
composer Augusto Polo Campos revealed that it was he who named the former actress Alicia Andrade as' Doña Canon. Because, as he said he was a "gun that killed the penalties."
"number eight is the artist that is going on these past eight months. Above (in heaven) missing someone with grace and gentleness that she had, "said the irreverent composer.
Polo Campos, who by their activities had to meet in the "Love, love, love could not attend the cremation of the remains of Andrade, he said proudly that he was responsible for the artist "Risas y Salsa" call her 'Mrs. Canon's.
"I baptized her (with the nickname) that way because it was a gun that killed the penalties, lived with laughter and laughter she lived. Rest in peace and joy in heaven at the artists who were "finished
At his funeral attended by famous celebrity actors who were his friends and coworkers for several years and the children and grandchildren of the comic actress. He was cremated, as his last wish
made us laugh for years on TV and at least deserved special recognition for what has given us for many years
Rest in peace ... ..
The processed Lori Berenson (which sounded more freedom to provoke scandal, national embarrassment) turned back to jail because they nullify the probation was granted, detected irregularities in the recording home
To make matters worse, her youngest child exposed to all the paraphernalia of journalists who were at the gates of the women's prison where he voluntarily surrendered after learning of the cancellation of their freedom
Many have greeted the news and expect to meet all his prison sentence
El PJ (Poder Judicial) que esta cada vez peor. En este caso es el de una mujer que sufrió quemaduras graves porque su marido le echo agua hirviendo a su cara y torso
Es increíble como primero el juez anula las pruebas y la fiscal archive el caso al admitir que las lesiones que tiene la victima son leves
Como van a ser leves, acaso esa fiscal es tan ciega o no ha visto la TV en estos días………….encima el tipo sigue amenazando a toda la familia y aun anda libre
Fortunately yesterday another judge has ordered the arrest of this dangerous kind, once and pay for what he did
And I hope you do not give facilities to those people malandrino Buzzard, murders, kidnappings, extortion and many more. are only a short time in jail and manage to get their freedom with the famous "two for one" (the stinky judicial benefits for inmates)
have adopted, the law Congrezoo eliminates that benefit .... at last it was time to put pants
An idea of \u200b\u200ba Chilean minister has - wake up again, different reactions in the neighboring country.
all know what happened in the Pacific War and nearly 140 (or less) years of what happened will never stop the bleeding wounds
Apparently that kind of mentality will continue until mature, well .... while a good part is at for the monitor Huascar (who commanded our hero Miguel Grau) is returned as a gesture of brotherhood between two countries, the other half is to be torn garments.
would have been better than the tsunami occurred last year in Chile will take him to deep water, sinking to rest in peace at last .... I think that Grau had preferred to see his beloved ship converted into a trophy of war (as it is today)
Watch out WHAT DO
last week (Saturday 14) empezó un nuevo reality del Gran Show…..claro que al principio me sorprendió la calidad de participantes y que ahora si van a demostrar lo suyo
Pero ojo con aquellos que dicen ser los “defensores de los animales” o a “los que son antitaurinos” que pueden provocar mas de una molestia a los vecinos y al publico en general, al anunciar que harán un plantón frente a los estudios de Canal 4 – América TV para impedir que un torero participe en este tipo de espectáculos
Ya en una entrevista el torero ha dicho que solo participa para ayudar a la soñadora a cumplir un sueño, no a otras actividades and will continue until the end. The guy has good pace (can dance) and has a good start ... ...
I can not say the same of those people who protest against the channel .... I do not want to be a bird of ill omen, I just hope that just a misfortune occurs.
In Magaly TV program I heard what he told a player to a model and I almost killed the laughter. Reimond Manco shows in the games he has good game and can become a professional, but in his private life shows great immaturity and rather ugly patina
memorable phrases has dropped to escape the uncomfortable questions of journalists have done not only famous but also being seen as a complete idiot but here are some of his famous quotes
- I just, man Pacori
- Both praise Bazalar if you just had two goals and one sheet
- There are times when one does not hold, so I would like to return to Peru
- I never get on an old car, if they wish to interview in the channel
go in my car - not my friends or my girlfriend, only met that day and spent what they saw. I do not think to call me, because not even have my number
- Touch me, I'm really
Heaven with that code ... ... you better just stay quiet
Now I will go to upgrade my Pensieve ..............
Attention: day 27 were announced the winners of the contest "20Blogsperuanos" so Sustain me with your vote and do not forget to confirm when you get the message in your mail
Hello friends who may only a few days to approach a new month, I go straight to what happened in this week
On Monday, I just found out that he died the best comedian we've had: Alicia Andrade, better known as Doña Cañona
saddest thing is that there has been not even a recognition in life and health insurance.
victim died at home of a heart attack along with some family
The beloved comedienne Alicia Andrade, who in the 80's was part of the cast of the hit comedy show "Risas y Salsa" Panamericana Television, shared roles with actors such as Anthony Salim, Guillermo Rossini, Adolfo and his inseparable friend Chuiman Esmeralda Checa.
Andrade, moved away from the cameras five years ago. His last appearances were in the sitcom "The Thousand and one of Carlos Alvarez" in Frecuencia Latina
composer Augusto Polo Campos revealed that it was he who named the former actress Alicia Andrade as' Doña Canon. Because, as he said he was a "gun that killed the penalties."
"number eight is the artist that is going on these past eight months. Above (in heaven) missing someone with grace and gentleness that she had, "said the irreverent composer.
Polo Campos, who by their activities had to meet in the "Love, love, love could not attend the cremation of the remains of Andrade, he said proudly that he was responsible for the artist "Risas y Salsa" call her 'Mrs. Canon's.
"I baptized her (with the nickname) that way because it was a gun that killed the penalties, lived with laughter and laughter she lived. Rest in peace and joy in heaven at the artists who were "finished
At his funeral attended by famous celebrity actors who were his friends and coworkers for several years and the children and grandchildren of the comic actress. He was cremated, as his last wish
made us laugh for years on TV and at least deserved special recognition for what has given us for many years
Rest in peace ... ..
The processed Lori Berenson (which sounded more freedom to provoke scandal, national embarrassment) turned back to jail because they nullify the probation was granted, detected irregularities in the recording home
To make matters worse, her youngest child exposed to all the paraphernalia of journalists who were at the gates of the women's prison where he voluntarily surrendered after learning of the cancellation of their freedom
Many have greeted the news and expect to meet all his prison sentence
El PJ (Poder Judicial) que esta cada vez peor. En este caso es el de una mujer que sufrió quemaduras graves porque su marido le echo agua hirviendo a su cara y torso
Es increíble como primero el juez anula las pruebas y la fiscal archive el caso al admitir que las lesiones que tiene la victima son leves
Como van a ser leves, acaso esa fiscal es tan ciega o no ha visto la TV en estos días………….encima el tipo sigue amenazando a toda la familia y aun anda libre
Fortunately yesterday another judge has ordered the arrest of this dangerous kind, once and pay for what he did
And I hope you do not give facilities to those people malandrino Buzzard, murders, kidnappings, extortion and many more. are only a short time in jail and manage to get their freedom with the famous "two for one" (the stinky judicial benefits for inmates)
have adopted, the law Congrezoo eliminates that benefit .... at last it was time to put pants
An idea of \u200b\u200ba Chilean minister has - wake up again, different reactions in the neighboring country.
all know what happened in the Pacific War and nearly 140 (or less) years of what happened will never stop the bleeding wounds
Apparently that kind of mentality will continue until mature, well .... while a good part is at for the monitor Huascar (who commanded our hero Miguel Grau) is returned as a gesture of brotherhood between two countries, the other half is to be torn garments.
would have been better than the tsunami occurred last year in Chile will take him to deep water, sinking to rest in peace at last .... I think that Grau had preferred to see his beloved ship converted into a trophy of war (as it is today)
Watch out WHAT DO
last week (Saturday 14) empezó un nuevo reality del Gran Show…..claro que al principio me sorprendió la calidad de participantes y que ahora si van a demostrar lo suyo
Pero ojo con aquellos que dicen ser los “defensores de los animales” o a “los que son antitaurinos” que pueden provocar mas de una molestia a los vecinos y al publico en general, al anunciar que harán un plantón frente a los estudios de Canal 4 – América TV para impedir que un torero participe en este tipo de espectáculos
Ya en una entrevista el torero ha dicho que solo participa para ayudar a la soñadora a cumplir un sueño, no a otras actividades and will continue until the end. The guy has good pace (can dance) and has a good start ... ...
I can not say the same of those people who protest against the channel .... I do not want to be a bird of ill omen, I just hope that just a misfortune occurs.
In Magaly TV program I heard what he told a player to a model and I almost killed the laughter. Reimond Manco shows in the games he has good game and can become a professional, but in his private life shows great immaturity and rather ugly patina
memorable phrases has dropped to escape the uncomfortable questions of journalists have done not only famous but also being seen as a complete idiot but here are some of his famous quotes
- I just, man Pacori
- Both praise Bazalar if you just had two goals and one sheet
- There are times when one does not hold, so I would like to return to Peru
- I never get on an old car, if they wish to interview in the channel
go in my car - not my friends or my girlfriend, only met that day and spent what they saw. I do not think to call me, because not even have my number
- Touch me, I'm really
Heaven with that code ... ... you better just stay quiet
Now I will go to upgrade my Pensieve ..............
Attention: day 27 were announced the winners of the contest "20Blogsperuanos" so Sustain me with your vote and do not forget to confirm when you get the message in your mail
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Where Can I Buy A Playtypus Egg
I get the fortnight .... and also the
Hello again friends and are
This week news has been very varied and we go against what happened
This Wednesday, I just found out that the filmmaker has died Armando Robles Godoy Rebagliatti Hospital in the intensive care ward, the victim of a cardiac arrest. He was 87
The strict vigil was held in private and the filmmaker's family thanked the various expressions of support given and asked to respect their pain and the decision to watch over him in private. Just earlier that day will be taken to their final resting place, a cemetery in Huachipa, where he will be cremated
Just because he thrust the Decree Law No. 19327 which was approved by the military government in the 70's, promoting the development of cinema in our country. Many of his friends, actors and acquaintances who worked with him crying game now
His films were able to achieve great success not only in our country but abroad, and interestingly one of his works (a novel called "The newcomers ") was banned by the dictatorship Velasco due to the plot ... ... hopefully someone can throw on TV
has left an unpublished work that is likely to be launched soon
Rest in peace, Armando, your legacy and what did for the film continue forever ... ....
The things are headed, just confirmed to Hilaria Supa Congrezoo as President of the "Committee on Education, Science, Technology, Culture, Youth and Sport Cultural Heritage"
(That name is not as tasteless as bombastic)
Although the committee members supported it, others have criticized the appointment, saying that she is not qualified to assume such office is not college and that he knows nothing about
Let's see what happens, because so that Ollanta has defended such attacks ... ... that if: If you make a lot, be a fool to the whole nation
Had the earthquake that struck Ica , Pisco, Nazca, Lima and Huancavelica part has not done anything in its reconstruction
Everything is still in ruins and not noticeable overtones ... .. clear solution: Corruption has also reached them, the victims who lost everything and now can not access loans even to lift their homes, living in what was left of their homes
The same applies to public and private entities that only rise from a few
¿Until when??
WILD! Some brands
assaulted in full Expressway - on Sunday - an elderly couple who took her granddaughter to the circus. Before, they had withdrawn from a money exchange in the Holding money and apparently saw the money marking and chased
unlucky victims, one of the miscreants shot at close range against the three year old girl leaving her quadriplegic and connected to a ventilator for life
Already two of them were captured and missing 4 that are free and Picking
with a helpless creature is the worst thing these people do not deserve no forgiveness or anything. Should drop them all the weight of the law
While demand for action against crime and insecurity that surrounds our city and you can not go out or a walk or do something in the street due to the threat of assault and robbery happens in any corner
The so-daddy (that's the bullet that got him the girl) has been listed as one of the most dangerous thugs and murderers who have no mercy or his mother,
To make matters worse, these people are threatening the family since they are following them everywhere, all the more reason to put surveillance and already have the images and videos of the agency where the grandparents took money and there clarito the miscreants are marking their victims
Hello again friends and are
This week news has been very varied and we go against what happened

This Wednesday, I just found out that the filmmaker has died Armando Robles Godoy Rebagliatti Hospital in the intensive care ward, the victim of a cardiac arrest. He was 87
The strict vigil was held in private and the filmmaker's family thanked the various expressions of support given and asked to respect their pain and the decision to watch over him in private. Just earlier that day will be taken to their final resting place, a cemetery in Huachipa, where he will be cremated
Just because he thrust the Decree Law No. 19327 which was approved by the military government in the 70's, promoting the development of cinema in our country. Many of his friends, actors and acquaintances who worked with him crying game now
His films were able to achieve great success not only in our country but abroad, and interestingly one of his works (a novel called "The newcomers ") was banned by the dictatorship Velasco due to the plot ... ... hopefully someone can throw on TV
has left an unpublished work that is likely to be launched soon
Rest in peace, Armando, your legacy and what did for the film continue forever ... ....
The things are headed, just confirmed to Hilaria Supa Congrezoo as President of the "Committee on Education, Science, Technology, Culture, Youth and Sport Cultural Heritage"
(That name is not as tasteless as bombastic)
Although the committee members supported it, others have criticized the appointment, saying that she is not qualified to assume such office is not college and that he knows nothing about
Let's see what happens, because so that Ollanta has defended such attacks ... ... that if: If you make a lot, be a fool to the whole nation
Had the earthquake that struck Ica , Pisco, Nazca, Lima and Huancavelica part has not done anything in its reconstruction
Everything is still in ruins and not noticeable overtones ... .. clear solution: Corruption has also reached them, the victims who lost everything and now can not access loans even to lift their homes, living in what was left of their homes
The same applies to public and private entities that only rise from a few
¿Until when??
WILD! Some brands
assaulted in full Expressway - on Sunday - an elderly couple who took her granddaughter to the circus. Before, they had withdrawn from a money exchange in the Holding money and apparently saw the money marking and chased
unlucky victims, one of the miscreants shot at close range against the three year old girl leaving her quadriplegic and connected to a ventilator for life
Already two of them were captured and missing 4 that are free and Picking
with a helpless creature is the worst thing these people do not deserve no forgiveness or anything. Should drop them all the weight of the law
While demand for action against crime and insecurity that surrounds our city and you can not go out or a walk or do something in the street due to the threat of assault and robbery happens in any corner
The so-daddy (that's the bullet that got him the girl) has been listed as one of the most dangerous thugs and murderers who have no mercy or his mother,
To make matters worse, these people are threatening the family since they are following them everywhere, all the more reason to put surveillance and already have the images and videos of the agency where the grandparents took money and there clarito the miscreants are marking their victims
Telethon began yesterday in favor of patients in the Home San Juan de Dios Hospital.
The goal is to bring two million new soles for children receiving treatment at these clinics. They have met all the artists and journalists from all channels to support this laudable goal
wait until midnight to see if they reach the desired goal
Puno still continues to rule the cold ...... and are dying not only children but also the cattle
The poor farmers who care for llamas, alpacas, sheep and sheep see their product dies in his arms while parents see their children become seriously ill and even die.
Let us support to collect what you can: blankets, warm clothing, socks, shoes etc.., They can use
Yesterday I said there was shock at 11 am ........... really did not feel like anything was working
And you
Cienciano The footballer was sentenced to 5 years in prison, all because - according to police - that has informed the band that assault the club and stole the return of players
At least the player has been the face and carry out their sentence in prison. His family have defended and say there are dirty hands, as there are people who want to harm
We will if the weather fails to resolve such difficult dilemma
I have heard that right there killed a mayor and candidate for re-election, after having been kidnapped. His murderers ransom demanded over
have been arrested almost everyone but the perpetrator has fled after confessing to the crime and reveal where he buried the corpse
A whole nation demands justice ....... Careful nomas that take it into their own hands (like Source Ovejuna)
Now I will go to visit my friends and do not forget to vote for my blog, click on the yellow square to take them to the voting link
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Triple X Syndrome Celebrity
Telethon in August: a month enough ice cream (brrrr) Felices Fiestas Patrias
H wave to all that this ... ... ... ... ... ¿how they spent the long weekend?? I spend ruminating and resting a bit, but now I will tell you what happened to me this week ok
course, I notice on climate not rely on: there are days that the sun appears and the rest who runs a freezing cold ..... Not to mention that the clothes will not dry and I have to wrap myself with more than two blankets
Let's face
gossip AT LAST
I paid ... ... ... .... now what to pay (house, cable, etc) and I'm what is necessary for my ticket and the Internet
As yet I have no computer ... ... .. and I
These days I have been looking to buy the books that I need and on Monday I went to the Frankfurt Book Fair ... ... watching the last day was 4, so I did the calculation and ask stands for the various prices.
But thinking that the last day I could find a lower price, just buy two small books and I go home
What is happening in the PJ (Judicial Branch): free that have left former mayor accused fraud and money laundering (or something) is out of jail and now under house arrest
The other case is from a guy who threw boiling water on his wife (because he said he ended the relationship) leaving her disfigured. Although he was captured, the judge gave him such freedom and now walks as if nothing had happened and going over to her other relatives threatening
Y There are several cases that are stretching or gathering dust without being fully clarified.
The dollar, which is at 2.81 (or less) ... .. poor who have savings in the foreign currency should be seeing the Pd
Cain: Now the dollar is at 2.71 ... ..
already more than 10 days will be declared a strike in Concepción - Cusco over the issue of expropriation of the Camisea gas, putting at risk not only to tourism but also trade
There is something quite strange about this, since apparently this strike has several dyes: between the political (as the election approaches) and radical (say that drug trafficking and path are those who promote such a measure)
People are tired of losing money, especially those with positions and / or businesses that can not open freely for fear of looting. Tourists have been isolated and there are roadblocks that do not lead to anything good (the poor truckers take their chances if they circulate along those paths)
has become scarce and food prices that will rise to say nothing of authorities seems to have no supply for both flutter or can not deal with the problem
The government has said it will not open or a table nor dialogue is going to budge
The APRA party has given up having a candidate for mayor of Lima. Poor candidate (not as calling: I remembered now: Carlos Roca) that has been pulling waist
Other voices say that they do to support another candidate from another party and the sanest say that apparently this game is to support the candidate because they should
For me, that any postulated
is what is being experienced throughout the city because of what happens in the streets, and no one can even go for a walk , shopping, walking or your place of work or studies because that there are always thieves lying in wait there is only one neglect to take away all
Above this little guy did not even have moral or conscience to let his victim dying or Abal (have seen the case of a disco owner gunned down in his same car by two seasoned criminals who shot him to take the money he had)
The latest polls show that citizens no longer trust or the police (as happened to a passerby that a group of choking Black Eagles ) or the Serenazgo (for being so gross)
On Wednesday I went again to the Book Fair willing to buy several books, but reducing the list, could only buy 3 books ... ... ... .. looking at auctions, I could only buy a game full album and a book ... ... .... just going to pay, I find the author of Book signing autographs
I was not idle I asked him to autograph my book, I was grateful and excited ... .... Today, I can proudly say I've had the pleasure of meeting Sergio Barbarem
Many may wonder who is ... ... ... ... read "The Dolphin"
Unfortunately I could not buy the two books I wanted, were very expensive (even took off, grrrr) COMING SOON
The day I change my luck ... ... ... ... .... How? Simple: I'm competing in the search for the top 20 blogs Peruvian voting is now open and can go through the button (at the beginning of my blog) to the website where you can vote for me in "Blog Personal. " Once you put your mail, I got an email to confirm your vote with a link so I can get more votes
The full name of my blog (so it can locate) is "Galadriel Numénessë Arundhel Rickman Snape"
The results are raising awareness on August 27 (local to be confirmed) at a special ceremony
Please ask you to support me with your vote, I eternally grateful
I update my Pensieve and now visit my friends. ..... we vemossss
H wave to all that this ... ... ... ... ... ¿how they spent the long weekend?? I spend ruminating and resting a bit, but now I will tell you what happened to me this week ok
course, I notice on climate not rely on: there are days that the sun appears and the rest who runs a freezing cold ..... Not to mention that the clothes will not dry and I have to wrap myself with more than two blankets
Let's face
gossip AT LAST
I paid ... ... ... .... now what to pay (house, cable, etc) and I'm what is necessary for my ticket and the Internet
As yet I have no computer ... ... .. and I
These days I have been looking to buy the books that I need and on Monday I went to the Frankfurt Book Fair ... ... watching the last day was 4, so I did the calculation and ask stands for the various prices.
But thinking that the last day I could find a lower price, just buy two small books and I go home
What is happening in the PJ (Judicial Branch): free that have left former mayor accused fraud and money laundering (or something) is out of jail and now under house arrest
The other case is from a guy who threw boiling water on his wife (because he said he ended the relationship) leaving her disfigured. Although he was captured, the judge gave him such freedom and now walks as if nothing had happened and going over to her other relatives threatening
Y There are several cases that are stretching or gathering dust without being fully clarified.
The dollar, which is at 2.81 (or less) ... .. poor who have savings in the foreign currency should be seeing the Pd
Cain: Now the dollar is at 2.71 ... ..
already more than 10 days will be declared a strike in Concepción - Cusco over the issue of expropriation of the Camisea gas, putting at risk not only to tourism but also trade
There is something quite strange about this, since apparently this strike has several dyes: between the political (as the election approaches) and radical (say that drug trafficking and path are those who promote such a measure)
People are tired of losing money, especially those with positions and / or businesses that can not open freely for fear of looting. Tourists have been isolated and there are roadblocks that do not lead to anything good (the poor truckers take their chances if they circulate along those paths)
has become scarce and food prices that will rise to say nothing of authorities seems to have no supply for both flutter or can not deal with the problem
The government has said it will not open or a table nor dialogue is going to budge
The APRA party has given up having a candidate for mayor of Lima. Poor candidate (not as calling: I remembered now: Carlos Roca) that has been pulling waist
Other voices say that they do to support another candidate from another party and the sanest say that apparently this game is to support the candidate because they should
For me, that any postulated
is what is being experienced throughout the city because of what happens in the streets, and no one can even go for a walk , shopping, walking or your place of work or studies because that there are always thieves lying in wait there is only one neglect to take away all
Above this little guy did not even have moral or conscience to let his victim dying or Abal (have seen the case of a disco owner gunned down in his same car by two seasoned criminals who shot him to take the money he had)
The latest polls show that citizens no longer trust or the police (as happened to a passerby that a group of choking Black Eagles ) or the Serenazgo (for being so gross)
On Wednesday I went again to the Book Fair willing to buy several books, but reducing the list, could only buy 3 books ... ... ... .. looking at auctions, I could only buy a game full album and a book ... ... .... just going to pay, I find the author of Book signing autographs
I was not idle I asked him to autograph my book, I was grateful and excited ... .... Today, I can proudly say I've had the pleasure of meeting Sergio Barbarem
Many may wonder who is ... ... ... ... read "The Dolphin"
Unfortunately I could not buy the two books I wanted, were very expensive (even took off, grrrr) COMING SOON
The day I change my luck ... ... ... ... .... How? Simple: I'm competing in the search for the top 20 blogs Peruvian voting is now open and can go through the button (at the beginning of my blog) to the website where you can vote for me in "Blog Personal. " Once you put your mail, I got an email to confirm your vote with a link so I can get more votes
The full name of my blog (so it can locate) is "Galadriel Numénessë Arundhel Rickman Snape"
The results are raising awareness on August 27 (local to be confirmed) at a special ceremony
Please ask you to support me with your vote, I eternally grateful
I update my Pensieve and now visit my friends. ..... we vemossss
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