Hello again friends and are
This week news has been very varied and we go against what happened

This Wednesday, I just found out that the filmmaker has died Armando Robles Godoy Rebagliatti Hospital in the intensive care ward, the victim of a cardiac arrest. He was 87
The strict vigil was held in private and the filmmaker's family thanked the various expressions of support given and asked to respect their pain and the decision to watch over him in private. Just earlier that day will be taken to their final resting place, a cemetery in Huachipa, where he will be cremated
Just because he thrust the Decree Law No. 19327 which was approved by the military government in the 70's, promoting the development of cinema in our country. Many of his friends, actors and acquaintances who worked with him crying game now
His films were able to achieve great success not only in our country but abroad, and interestingly one of his works (a novel called "The newcomers ") was banned by the dictatorship Velasco due to the plot ... ... hopefully someone can throw on TV
has left an unpublished work that is likely to be launched soon
Rest in peace, Armando, your legacy and what did for the film continue forever ... ....
The things are headed, just confirmed to Hilaria Supa Congrezoo as President of the "Committee on Education, Science, Technology, Culture, Youth and Sport Cultural Heritage"
(That name is not as tasteless as bombastic)
Although the committee members supported it, others have criticized the appointment, saying that she is not qualified to assume such office is not college and that he knows nothing about
Let's see what happens, because so that Ollanta has defended such attacks ... ... that if: If you make a lot, be a fool to the whole nation
Had the earthquake that struck Ica , Pisco, Nazca, Lima and Huancavelica part has not done anything in its reconstruction
Everything is still in ruins and not noticeable overtones ... .. clear solution: Corruption has also reached them, the victims who lost everything and now can not access loans even to lift their homes, living in what was left of their homes
The same applies to public and private entities that only rise from a few
¿Until when??
WILD! Some brands
assaulted in full Expressway - on Sunday - an elderly couple who took her granddaughter to the circus. Before, they had withdrawn from a money exchange in the Holding money and apparently saw the money marking and chased
unlucky victims, one of the miscreants shot at close range against the three year old girl leaving her quadriplegic and connected to a ventilator for life
Already two of them were captured and missing 4 that are free and Picking
with a helpless creature is the worst thing these people do not deserve no forgiveness or anything. Should drop them all the weight of the law
While demand for action against crime and insecurity that surrounds our city and you can not go out or a walk or do something in the street due to the threat of assault and robbery happens in any corner
The so-daddy (that's the bullet that got him the girl) has been listed as one of the most dangerous thugs and murderers who have no mercy or his mother,
To make matters worse, these people are threatening the family since they are following them everywhere, all the more reason to put surveillance and already have the images and videos of the agency where the grandparents took money and there clarito the miscreants are marking their victims
Telethon began yesterday in favor of patients in the Home San Juan de Dios Hospital.
The goal is to bring two million new soles for children receiving treatment at these clinics. They have met all the artists and journalists from all channels to support this laudable goal
wait until midnight to see if they reach the desired goal
Puno still continues to rule the cold ...... and are dying not only children but also the cattle
The poor farmers who care for llamas, alpacas, sheep and sheep see their product dies in his arms while parents see their children become seriously ill and even die.
Let us support to collect what you can: blankets, warm clothing, socks, shoes etc.., They can use
Yesterday I said there was shock at 11 am ........... really did not feel like anything was working
And you
Cienciano The footballer was sentenced to 5 years in prison, all because - according to police - that has informed the band that assault the club and stole the return of players
At least the player has been the face and carry out their sentence in prison. His family have defended and say there are dirty hands, as there are people who want to harm
We will if the weather fails to resolve such difficult dilemma
I have heard that right there killed a mayor and candidate for re-election, after having been kidnapped. His murderers ransom demanded over
have been arrested almost everyone but the perpetrator has fled after confessing to the crime and reveal where he buried the corpse
A whole nation demands justice ....... Careful nomas that take it into their own hands (like Source Ovejuna)
Now I will go to visit my friends and do not forget to vote for my blog, click on the yellow square to take them to the voting link
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