Friday, August 20, 2010

Catchy Bakery Slogans

Bloggers A 11 days of September .....

Hello friends who may only a few days to approach a new month, I go straight to what happened in this week


On Monday, I just found out that he died the best comedian we've had: Alicia Andrade, better known as Doña Cañona

saddest thing is that there has been not even a recognition in life and health insurance.

victim died at home of a heart attack along with some family

The beloved comedienne Alicia Andrade, who in the 80's was part of the cast of the hit comedy show "Risas y Salsa" Panamericana Television, shared roles with actors such as Anthony Salim, Guillermo Rossini, Adolfo and his inseparable friend Chuiman Esmeralda Checa.

Andrade, moved away from the cameras five years ago. His last appearances were in the sitcom "The Thousand and one of Carlos Alvarez" in Frecuencia Latina

composer Augusto Polo Campos revealed that it was he who named the former actress Alicia Andrade as' Doña Canon. Because, as he said he was a "gun that killed the penalties."
"number eight is the artist that is going on these past eight months. Above (in heaven) missing someone with grace and gentleness that she had, "said the irreverent composer.

Polo Campos, who by their activities had to meet in the "Love, love, love could not attend the cremation of the remains of Andrade, he said proudly that he was responsible for the artist "Risas y Salsa" call her 'Mrs. Canon's.

"I baptized her (with the nickname) that way because it was a gun that killed the penalties, lived with laughter and laughter she lived. Rest in peace and joy in heaven at the artists who were "finished

At his funeral attended by famous celebrity actors who were his friends and coworkers for several years and the children and grandchildren of the comic actress. He was cremated, as his last wish

made us laugh for years on TV and at least deserved special recognition for what has given us for many years

Rest in peace ... ..


The processed Lori Berenson (which sounded more freedom to provoke scandal, national embarrassment) turned back to jail because they nullify the probation was granted, detected irregularities in the recording home

To make matters worse, her youngest child exposed to all the paraphernalia of journalists who were at the gates of the women's prison where he voluntarily surrendered after learning of the cancellation of their freedom

Many have greeted the news and expect to meet all his prison sentence


El PJ (Poder Judicial) que esta cada vez peor. En este caso es el de una mujer que sufrió quemaduras graves porque su marido le echo agua hirviendo a su cara y torso

Es increíble como primero el juez anula las pruebas y la fiscal archive el caso al admitir que las lesiones que tiene la victima son leves

Como van a ser leves, acaso esa fiscal es tan ciega o no ha visto la TV en estos días………….encima el tipo sigue amenazando a toda la familia y aun anda libre

Fortunately yesterday another judge has ordered the arrest of this dangerous kind, once and pay for what he did


And I hope you do not give facilities to those people malandrino Buzzard, murders, kidnappings, extortion and many more. are only a short time in jail and manage to get their freedom with the famous "two for one" (the stinky judicial benefits for inmates)

have adopted, the law Congrezoo eliminates that benefit .... at last it was time to put pants


An idea of \u200b\u200ba Chilean minister has - wake up again, different reactions in the neighboring country.

all know what happened in the Pacific War and nearly 140 (or less) years of what happened will never stop the bleeding wounds

Apparently that kind of mentality will continue until mature, well .... while a good part is at for the monitor Huascar (who commanded our hero Miguel Grau) is returned as a gesture of brotherhood between two countries, the other half is to be torn garments.

would have been better than the tsunami occurred last year in Chile will take him to deep water, sinking to rest in peace at last .... I think that Grau had preferred to see his beloved ship converted into a trophy of war (as it is today)

Watch out WHAT DO

last week (Saturday 14) empezó un nuevo reality del Gran Show…..claro que al principio me sorprendió la calidad de participantes y que ahora si van a demostrar lo suyo

Pero ojo con aquellos que dicen ser los “defensores de los animales” o a “los que son antitaurinos” que pueden provocar mas de una molestia a los vecinos y al publico en general, al anunciar que harán un plantón frente a los estudios de Canal 4 – América TV para impedir que un torero participe en este tipo de espectáculos

Ya en una entrevista el torero ha dicho que solo participa para ayudar a la soñadora a cumplir un sueño, no a otras actividades and will continue until the end. The guy has good pace (can dance) and has a good start ... ...

I can not say the same of those people who protest against the channel .... I do not want to be a bird of ill omen, I just hope that just a misfortune occurs.


In Magaly TV program I heard what he told a player to a model and I almost killed the laughter. Reimond Manco shows in the games he has good game and can become a professional, but in his private life shows great immaturity and rather ugly patina

memorable phrases has dropped to escape the uncomfortable questions of journalists have done not only famous but also being seen as a complete idiot but here are some of his famous quotes

- I just, man Pacori
- Both praise Bazalar if you just had two goals and one sheet
- There are times when one does not hold, so I would like to return to Peru
- I never get on an old car, if they wish to interview in the channel
go in my car - not my friends or my girlfriend, only met that day and spent what they saw. I do not think to call me, because not even have my number
- Touch me, I'm really

Heaven with that code ... ... you better just stay quiet

Now I will go to upgrade my Pensieve ..............

Attention: day 27 were announced the winners of the contest "20Blogsperuanos" so Sustain me with your vote and do not forget to confirm when you get the message in your mail



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