In a hurry to open the envelope has arrived in the mail. Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro sends his book Avalanche and you, though anxious to read it, you stop at the front. Excellent! - Think - while You wet your lips with his tongue and stroking the cover of the book almost without realizing it. See four hands accomplices stand between your eyes and naked body. Read the title: Avalanche. You seem powerful, but do not stop flirting. Looking for some additional evidence of eroticism and you discover that the hands appear to be female. You wonder why the vast majority of men find it very erotic two naked women having sex. You conclude that it is a two for one in the macho vision instilled in you as a child. X recall early films of the item until you see the rings. Are these rings give the matter seriously? Not that the sex between women is not serious, is that if consider married another story that maybe, just maybe, away from the X films you had an altar at the time. You get to the screen in the navel and return to the title of the book and the name of the person who writes: Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro.
know her in a virtual community under a pseudonym, you knew it was Puerto Rican by the details of his biography, but never thought he lived there at the end of the street you grew up and saw her occasionally. His lyrics took you for a walk and about the same time you visited Blue Internet page started reading a blog to a Yolanda which was also admired for his way of putting words together. Soon received the confession that the nickname and Yolanda were one and are perplexed by the idea of \u200b\u200bhow small it may seem like the universe and that both the pseudonym and Yolanda, joined to double admiration. Vuelves to home and wet your lips. Mask an outbreak of erection, at least, as you walk away Apt. When you start the car, you are forced to turn down the radio volume. Want to start reading it, but look at the clock and you know you go to work. In the traditional morning traffic there in the traffic light before prison federal, gives you open the book. The cover photo is repeated this time expanded and better currency hint of hair and imagine your hands caressing, lost in pleasure or simply allowing you to see what they hide.
Lees in blue ink, you do it aloud as if you had company, which Yolanda you wrote. You and throw yourself on first name terms "guille" that this writer recognized, with several excellent books to his credit, and one of the most important Latin American writers under 39 years of Bogotá 39, is addressed to you in so casual. You're going to turn the page to browse more, but an insistent horn you back to reality: The light turned green. Accelerate. You get to your job and you can not avoid carrying the book. The cover has pieces that speak of what you'll find inside and decide to go to the bathroom to sit and browse through more than during working hours. Raisins in a hurry, this time the cover, part of the front and reach the dedication: Penetrating, as you've seen so far in this book. Jump to table: an invitation to avoid more parsimony. You drink the item and notice that the first story is called as the book. You start to read it, but listen to your secretary that alerts you via intercom You call, and salts of health anxiety and spend the day in excel, power point, meetings and phone calls. In fact, the lunch hour, I thought we could take to continue the book, spend with a client who continues to speak of the precarious economic situation.
The clock dictates the five and go out to meet the cap in the afternoon. Luckily it's Friday and arrive at your home after many adventures. Dinner with your family, talk with your wife and fourteen year old daughter for a while and then play with dolls with four. You retire to rest. Furniture recliner use your study room. You open the book, find the page thirteen. Yolanda's words you are scratching inside.
Avalanche forbids you rest. Staying at the edge of their seats in shock startle you. Distinguish the character walk over stroking the walls and dare not even blink because you know that if you fall asleep, you suck the nipples. Then, review and disguise the dream to see if you run with such luck.
Borealis manages to cry. So raw and real images parading understand that story and do what's always something strikes your peace of mind: Look at the other side looking for it not hurt so much and you run away to another part of you.
Riding the waves takes you to resent tsunami in Japan. The title made you remember the images of the tidal wave, earthquake and even the burning power plant. Soon understand as you read that this is another tsunami, another earthquake and what burns are the lives of the participants. Its end is as you like and the plot presents complex truths you hit the wall on the circumstances. These, unfortunately increasingly read on the front page of newspapers.
Pop red kisses you inside to another world, one you do not know. You've seen it from afar. In cinema, the mall or in the Borders area of \u200b\u200bAnime. Goths and emos combined with society together but not mixed. You do not know, but agree. You look different, rebellious, but who is not at that age? Who told you that you should stop being a rebel? To live as if you'd be dancing yet by electro-boogie with suede Puma tennis Cabetas fluorescent colors or you would be a cocolo to Eddie Santiago and Rain, your kisses cold and rain.
While your time you were invited once more to break the law and not accepted, you also know that the times I was not invited to defend an idealistic belief, political or religious and whether to make easy money and wonder what had become of you if you had agreed to participate, or if the reason for crime was the same as the boys gave the Cerro Maravilla, What would you have done?
pensarte is not the usual words of someone who you think and gives you to search YouTube and its Ricardo Arjona I'm not really alone, Who told you that you go? If one is not where the body, but where else will miss ... and your mind loves the past, those who think you will not forget, though still trying to forget is that this is the key: while you still remember insist on forgetting.
Gray whales make to cry again. This despite the fact that as you read it when he won the Outboard Pepe Competition in Argentina. Acknowledge that this story, like others in Yolanda, was written on a small scale. As if to write off manufacturing the raw material choosing and using high and exclusive quality.
Knockout you get caught with their pants down because you think nothing will surprise and after gray whales. The story drags you into a world marginalized and discover that Yolanda is once again do you have to take a few minutes to catch his breath. When you reach the end look an asthmatic without therapy. If someone approaches you and hear you, but do not look, would think that you die or you masturbate. Looking for a way out of the trance. Go to the fridge and filled a glass with orange juice. While you drink urine. Wash your hands and face, brush your teeth and look at your circles in the mirror. I caress your cheek and you brush a stubble stumps. Shaving. Is a story and these delayed reading. You wonder if you read it at night or just start right away because you realize you have it under his arm in the manner of a religious devotee when charging your Bible. You walk into the bedroom of your daughters. You see them sleeping peacefully. Smile proudly and close the door being careful not to make noise.
you lie down in the chair again. You open the book: page 123: Asian Jelly. The mint taste in your mouth conceals enough acid orange juice and crosses by the eroticism of a couple while subjecting each other. You can not tell who is the subject and who submits because: Does obedience is not a type of submission? How to submit it to whom you submitted? Returns with this tale of the cover photo. The high eroticism and sexual play are releasing the youngster who went on the previous morning when you got the book, but relays the story looking for a place where you lace. You realize that in this world do not exist, an area three to your age and to the taboos that still exist in you will never go out and people like that have their own life. You'd be the party Yolanda cut in the first review. When he realized that no good in this story even to sell Jelly, much less to buy. But you know that Yolanda writes novels and you think that character would you be snooping through a window that looks like a scene eager for this story, or be the character who is invited audience of two women who cry in unison to be complacent .
Look at the clock: It's five and sixteen. Avalanche place it on the shelf with other books of Yolanda. What will you say when you see it? Knowing you can not say simply that it is extraordinary, a person who already knows it needs to hear something else. Meditate. You're not a literary critic. Do not say anything: the embrace she'll know what it means ...
Insomnia has been nice and you take a naked eye when your wife calls you to awaken . Try, but you fall on the promise that if let her sleep will be rewarded. You lie on your side. Breathe freely while you listen to your soul is full of events. Yolanda's book continues to penetrate your insides while you turn on the TV and watch a recorded show news. Wanda Rolon and comments on Ricky, Ana Cacho and Lorenzo case, the strike of the University of Puerto Rico, and Alomar Maripily, Rolandito Salas Jusino the child that took a long time the neighborhood where you live, three hundred murders in the first three months so far this year, the tsunami in Japan, the war in Libya, Angelo Million, Elizabeth Taylor and lies and yet recognize that some news has to do with the book and other no, just think about it deeply. Solutions, are looking for solutions. The world needs a remedy.
Scan under the pillow the remote and turn off the TV, turn it did not work for your wife to leave his rest. Stay dark and close your eyes. The open and looking to sleep until close to the ceiling of your room currencies feints of light from a window ajar. Almost dawn. Sleep, you know. I do not know is that you will dream. Too many images in your mind. "You see as you pursue lips to suck your nipples? Will you be a child victim of trafficking? Your hands smell like dog roast as belonging to a gang of criminals? "One of your daughters will Emo-Gothic-terrorist? "Suffer from Alzheimer? Rolandito "appear some day? Do you prefer Jelly or whip cream? Is it one of the two in the refrigerator?
No matter: I won: You'll sleep, have nightmares or wet dreams, wake up and be rewarded ...
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