heat tormented me and I decided to leave the house for a while. Passing the threshold of the door I tripped over something on the floor. When I set my hands down as a defense mechanism and thus avoiding any extra hit in the face. I could not help cursing. As I stood, a pain in the ankle and give me back down to the floor. I took my hands in my right leg and let out a scream of pain. I sought to distinguish sit and I stumbled. To accustom my eyes to the darkness I saw the clay pot in the morning had left empty because the flowers that I started with the excuse to take them.
cursed my new fall and failure to meet in the morning to give it to you. The breeze whipped my hair. The coldness of the night bathed my sweat and made me feel comfortable. Again I touch my ankle. I realized that he felt no pain. By resting the hand on the floor to propel me I noticed that the floor was cold. I noticed that I would rather sit back and give him a few seconds my mind thirsty for oblivion. To feel comfortable I decided to undress. I took off camisilla, boxer shorts and without fear that a nosy neighbor and self-righteous gossip you go with someone, or my attention, because the darkness would perfect camouflage.
few minutes I spent sitting. Lost in the memory of the last hours. Remembering how I left home with the hope to see you and give you your favorite flowers. I would tell the truth, that took months to grow with the intent to give it to you with some words of love that had not been uttered by my eyes. But I found you. Just today I declare that vision with me every waking dream. Just today I beg to change our lives scattered and might be one in the mirror of life.
few minutes I spent sitting. Lost in the memory of the last hours. Remembering how I left home with the hope to see you and give you your favorite flowers. I would tell the truth, that took months to grow with the intent to give it to you with some words of love that had not been uttered by my eyes. But I found you. Just today I declare that vision with me every waking dream. Just today I beg to change our lives scattered and might be one in the mirror of life.
My wait was accompanied by trees and birds of the park and yet, loneliness me caló en los huesos. Según pasaron los segundos la esperanza fue alejándose de mi ser y como inevitable incongruencia el dolor, que habita en los seres enamorados, me recogió de aquella banqueta y me hizo salir del lugar; no sin antes propagar las flores. Las esparcí de pétalo en pétalo, mientras en clásico interrogatorio les cuestionaba sí me querías o no. Por esto; aunque la esperanza desapareció al no verte llegar, salí de allí sonriendo ante la respuesta de un sí y con la certeza de que paulatinamente ganaría esperanzas perdidas.
Una carcajada se me escapó y recosté mi espalda en el suelo. Justo en ese momento divisé la luna que en cuarto menguante me sonreía. La I watched for a long time. In the darkness of late night decided to await the dawn awake. I searched some cushions in the room and scattered them on the spot. I went with red wine and soft music. He decided to wait a shooting star to which I wish to ask for possess. Faced with this idea I got up again, this time to find the old telescope that kept as a relic from childhood. I stroked the initials of my name he had carved in his painting to identify it as mine once flattered me. I looked through the hole and I realized that no longer worked. The lenses were strangely spotted and threw it aside.
Cold mercilessly attacked my nakedness, and as always, I liked. I looked at the sky and began to construct geometrical figures with the stars and the odd bad drawing assembly with my index finger. I saw several constellations. As a scholar who actually forget you are looking for other details, wrapped myself in the darkness of the night thoughts of you and me away from this constant thinking you only makes me tossing and turning in bed, unable to sleep. How do I explain to my body to leave such wonderful daydreams?
much would be able to admire the eighty-eight constellations at the same time! It's so relaxing to look at the sky. The truth is I was able to put my mind blank until I discovered a beautiful constellation of the northern sky. I focused on searching Polaris how to hide the fact Cassiopeia compare with the first letter of your name and that is: That constellation keep it that way. I looked right and left. The stars seemed to be your allies in the memory that emanated in me without asking. Perseus, Cepheus, Hidden Dragon seemed to move at breakneck speed and I realized, too late, that in fact suffered a dizzy spell.
I opened my eyes. Get used again to where I was lying to me difficult, rather, focus on Cassiopeia. Instead of seven stars could have a dozen very strangely positioned. I noticed around me trying to identify if it was in the same place or had traveled to another distant astral which could not recognize groups of stars that graced the night. I thought I was dreaming or hallucinating suffered from dizziness.
much would be able to admire the eighty-eight constellations at the same time! It's so relaxing to look at the sky. The truth is I was able to put my mind blank until I discovered a beautiful constellation of the northern sky. I focused on searching Polaris how to hide the fact Cassiopeia compare with the first letter of your name and that is: That constellation keep it that way. I looked right and left. The stars seemed to be your allies in the memory that emanated in me without asking. Perseus, Cepheus, Hidden Dragon seemed to move at breakneck speed and I realized, too late, that in fact suffered a dizzy spell.
I opened my eyes. Get used again to where I was lying to me difficult, rather, focus on Cassiopeia. Instead of seven stars could have a dozen very strangely positioned. I noticed around me trying to identify if it was in the same place or had traveled to another distant astral which could not recognize groups of stars that graced the night. I thought I was dreaming or hallucinating suffered from dizziness.
Al take a few minutes and note that change did not arise, either in heaven or on my mood, I concluded that he was hallucinating and had to find a book on astronomy that I explain that event. Perhaps due to some alignment of planets, or was so focused on those stars that he saw the other, just know that just raised my floor naked, I realized what was going to look again at the zenith. He was a victim of your memory!
I pressed my eyelids and went to lie down on the cushions. I looked at the sky and there were ten stars, unique, and as real as me. I prayed to heaven to be the ten moons of Saturn, but even the weak law of planetary distances Elert Bode help me in this theory. Building speculation turned to the indisputable right; I was thinking!
The group looked like a star and was baptized in your name. This constellation was not beautiful as you, but at least I refuse to accept my reality. Looking at them closely, from north to south, started for the first two, one to the other side made me discover your eyes. They poured out and watched me mine. My hand was lost in touch, wanting a quick erection, for your eyes and give away passion excited just to see them.
I looked the next star. It found your mouth, thirsty and ready to kiss kisses. Fleshy lips that glow red win, even without the lipstick. I dream to conquer them and make them not yours, but mine alone.
Below, two glittering stars they remembered your nipples. Alerts and for feeding my cravings. I closed my eyes and looking closer at your breasts, victims of a pronounced neck. Just let me see the curvature of your breasts and some moles. When you remove your bra and make out the two stars I feel your concentric circles. Sued to heaven to stop time to enjoy fully all your skin.
Two stars, one east, another west. Let me know they were your hands. Educated in the art of stroking and provide pleasure. Both were extended to me and took care to stock cuddles. Offers delicious yet unlived. Catapulting right between its size and making me his slave flash.
On my way south I spotted a lone star. Its glow lit inverted pyramid fashion. As it was found that disclosure of your privacy. My hands poked in space looking for the star stroking it represented. I smiled with undisguised bathed my tongue while my lips as a sign of hunger. My senses were focused all together in your ethereal presence that no effort was made vivid and real as if, being under you receive the pleasure to possess. Eye
escaped to the two remaining stars. Fair to the other side of the skyline. Were your feet ready to walk towards me. A climbing my body like you would want to. Leaving footprints to show me latitudes, not the northern constellations, rather those of your body. Same that has made my life choose to exclude any telescope that does not focus on your hair. No Way Galaxy in which these ten stars do not live that exemplify your bodily beauty.
The rapid movement of the ten stars that were joining me caused some dizziness. The ten were transformed into a, to the astonishment of my naked body and tired of passion. The sovereign light emanating wrapped me all together. I discovered that it was your soul, dazzling and lonely search for her soulmate. Burst and scattered pleasures in undisturbed soil. Discovered to be passing the entire night observing the constellation of your being ...
The group looked like a star and was baptized in your name. This constellation was not beautiful as you, but at least I refuse to accept my reality. Looking at them closely, from north to south, started for the first two, one to the other side made me discover your eyes. They poured out and watched me mine. My hand was lost in touch, wanting a quick erection, for your eyes and give away passion excited just to see them.
I looked the next star. It found your mouth, thirsty and ready to kiss kisses. Fleshy lips that glow red win, even without the lipstick. I dream to conquer them and make them not yours, but mine alone.
Below, two glittering stars they remembered your nipples. Alerts and for feeding my cravings. I closed my eyes and looking closer at your breasts, victims of a pronounced neck. Just let me see the curvature of your breasts and some moles. When you remove your bra and make out the two stars I feel your concentric circles. Sued to heaven to stop time to enjoy fully all your skin.
Two stars, one east, another west. Let me know they were your hands. Educated in the art of stroking and provide pleasure. Both were extended to me and took care to stock cuddles. Offers delicious yet unlived. Catapulting right between its size and making me his slave flash.
On my way south I spotted a lone star. Its glow lit inverted pyramid fashion. As it was found that disclosure of your privacy. My hands poked in space looking for the star stroking it represented. I smiled with undisguised bathed my tongue while my lips as a sign of hunger. My senses were focused all together in your ethereal presence that no effort was made vivid and real as if, being under you receive the pleasure to possess. Eye
escaped to the two remaining stars. Fair to the other side of the skyline. Were your feet ready to walk towards me. A climbing my body like you would want to. Leaving footprints to show me latitudes, not the northern constellations, rather those of your body. Same that has made my life choose to exclude any telescope that does not focus on your hair. No Way Galaxy in which these ten stars do not live that exemplify your bodily beauty.
The rapid movement of the ten stars that were joining me caused some dizziness. The ten were transformed into a, to the astonishment of my naked body and tired of passion. The sovereign light emanating wrapped me all together. I discovered that it was your soul, dazzling and lonely search for her soulmate. Burst and scattered pleasures in undisturbed soil. Discovered to be passing the entire night observing the constellation of your being ...
... The darkness was not my accomplice. The sun which made the top ten stars and had risen a bit more on the horizon. The song of birds in the park reminded me that we'd see the day before. I smiled and thanked not have found you. Thanks to this and just beginning to enjoy the wonderful game of pure love and true. That where there is no distance. No matter where the curvature of space, but the tonnage of your back getting naked and caresses of my hands that seem to reward the enjoyment they receive the touch.
I touched my chest. The silver medal gave me, allegorical to calendar Aztec, I recalled the maxim that the best there is day after day. There was hesitation, we would meet again. Whether in the ten stars that carry your alias or the sun in your soul. If I look good tonight you shall find. The waning of the moon does not conceal its reality to me symbolic, the smile you gave me the first time or may be you, still smiling. Just know that my days are sun and moon and my nights are normally in reverse, you become my sun and moon nights of my life. Super cycles that bring me your presence.
That is to feel real to me and discover me as a slave outer you! Are heaven and earth, planet, star, galaxy and universe, alpha and omega.
The severity of this world can not stop standing up when you make me fly. My skin is so light. My soul walks between northern lights and meteor in the exploration of your meeting. So tomorrow and always come back to the park with the hope to find you sitting on a bench while writing a poem or require that the universe is an accomplice of your most secret desires.
The severity of this world can not stop standing up when you make me fly. My skin is so light. My soul walks between northern lights and meteor in the exploration of your meeting. So tomorrow and always come back to the park with the hope to find you sitting on a bench while writing a poem or require that the universe is an accomplice of your most secret desires.
just hope to be involved in some of your fantasies. Those you carry with you decorating your life when your hair becomes an accomplice to commit and carry on tail words of love stories sustained in galaxies. Which you carry in your ears; worthy recipients of my caresses dream. Take me for a ride. I intend to visit not only the ten stars that symbolize your body, so I will enjoy the journey that will take me from one star to another. That which begins tour of my dream with my eyes percibiéndote wearing red and ends apreciándote naked. I enjoyed so much last night ...
... You'll note that I speak as if we had just made love last night. The truth, and you know, it was. You explained it just now and forgive the redundancy to summarize again, but I love to remember. I will possess all night. The air and land - cold and others - could not avoid the high temperatures inside me. And while I admired the sky became Nova. Temporarily acquired brighter than normal and then decreased fluctuations in latent spasms and strong as you could see the constellation transform the sun to come just at dawn.
The police just visit. Someone was with the gossip. Ensure that if I am naked in the yard fined me. Do not worry: I reflected on how they will avoid being caught naked. No, not what you think. I will not visit, (unless you invite me) a nude beach. When I see you, I invite you to my bed where I will make again and you Super Nova in constellation. Both give new meaning to the theory of "Big Bang" creating a universe where we are only you and me.
... You'll note that I speak as if we had just made love last night. The truth, and you know, it was. You explained it just now and forgive the redundancy to summarize again, but I love to remember. I will possess all night. The air and land - cold and others - could not avoid the high temperatures inside me. And while I admired the sky became Nova. Temporarily acquired brighter than normal and then decreased fluctuations in latent spasms and strong as you could see the constellation transform the sun to come just at dawn.
The police just visit. Someone was with the gossip. Ensure that if I am naked in the yard fined me. Do not worry: I reflected on how they will avoid being caught naked. No, not what you think. I will not visit, (unless you invite me) a nude beach. When I see you, I invite you to my bed where I will make again and you Super Nova in constellation. Both give new meaning to the theory of "Big Bang" creating a universe where we are only you and me.
What will seduce you achieve the meantime? Just the next time you feel like in outer space to meet with you: I will raise the roof, where I know I do not get prying eyes. From there implore your constellation as I delight in pleasures for nothing because you're lonely, just like now, with me ...
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