how it happened may be explained with some science. Know that every cell of my being your own, and that an explosion of great magnitude must have occurred in one of them. I imagine that in the nucleus, cytoplasm, chromatin and acid deoxyribonucleic have originated this love and decided to become your hostage managed, in cell division, every pore of my existence will be captivated by you and every beat of my heart be destined to belong to you.
The way I found out, and I took care of me yours, I can never forget. In fact, I will always feel the same shock to see you. My eyes lost in yours and your smile makes me wanting you. When my view tends to exploring you all find that my brain and is involved in the beauty that accompanies you perennially. Your face reminds me own you and I look at you naked. My eyes do not know what to do: if look you straight in the mouth, your eyes and your hair or want to get lost in your breasts and seek to explore those places where the clothes clutter. Territories which would be puzzled for a few seconds before the fact of wanting to touch you.
hear your voice showing me what you think your soul and excitement to see doubles instantly. I decide to listen . Your lips move. Subtle tunes out of them and the preamble of moans that both desire. How would give to kiss in this very moment! The sound in my ears does not stop. I learn that I love. I want! Share some fantasies that I listen carefully. Cumplirte promise to literally every one of them. Smile. Green and become more amenable to listen to me even than I am now thanks to you. I find some blush on your cheeks. To ask why just say it is due to the demand that these soon to demand. We strive to please me without knowing that it's late, you're already owns two of my senses and colonizing still potentially missing.
I walk a little to you. Comes to me the characteristic smell of your presence. That which accompanied your beauty is responsible for making turning looks. The dimples of my nose smell you crave closely. I'm like bloodhound searching for prey in the body of the perfect woman. I begin to smell your face. I acurrucaré combining breathing down your neck with hugs. Walking my nose on your skin in the desired spot search of nectar in your body cavity of shaving respirarte tempts me not wanting to breathe your scent. Cherish the aroma when my mind can savor the taste of your skin. Your essence, as a balm, calm my needs and amplified at a time. That unique smell, divine and supernatural, which shows your passion leads me to broaden my chest in the din of power degustarte to my taste. I am anxious about you.
already gave you a hug and smell you looking complete. Now I am dedicated to caress. The tips of my fingers have fun and dance on your skin. I slip my fingers through your hair, your cheeks and I stop for a moment on your lips. I claim to want as much as I feel my lips touching yours. My skin requires full contact. So do not look touch only with my fingers, but, my skin becomes complicit and how to feel your searches. Every hair on my body stands on end. Find excuses to continue manoseándote. I keep digging into your innermost being. Given the knowledge that one way to reach your soul is through the skin, I fancy and insist that we be tempted to one. Manipulate the universe together. I'll make mine as I am yours. Your breasts
touch me, your thighs open in acceptance and made my mouth water when I think taste you whole. My lips are attached to your own and declared that, in this touching and kissing, you're an expert. We could spend hours caressing or kissing, and yet claim to be increasingly complicated. The taste buds of both bathe our taste. I confess that never before had revealed to me the pleasure of such magnitude. My tongue caresses you want to multiply and give you new ones. Testing your whole body, I amuse erect nipples and swollen clit. I ride on your back, fingers, thighs and feet. Wandering on your hips while I thank the gods of sex for allowing the language was not only an instrument to create and test words food protein, but, we were given the option to feed the soul, lust and love. You know this because your tongue and gets you to the brink of insanity and the peak of ecstasy. Now my skin has fun measuring and playing with the spasms that accompany me.
All my senses are being used. I watch your naked body. I hear your groans and your words of love. The sweet smell of your being fills me full. I try your whole skin while the movement of each one becomes a rhythm of passion burning. Lost in the room the groans of both and in constant touch I use both hands roaming every inch of your skin. At times, one of them or both are lost in your hair or by the minute are responsible for different parts of the map of your being. The squeeze your breasts or your buttocks while you are separated over my huge pleasure is diluted. My fingers dig secrets and the intended circular to feel the pleasure of touch. Your willingness to recreate pleasure spreads and wraps me up in the lusts of your moisture. Your lube is great for my appetite and my five senses . The rain of your body covers me while my pleasure lies poured into the mons previously conferred shave and I now move the flesh.
The orgasm is the ultimate sense. To do so majestic need the other five. When we cornered the ecstasy soul and body are intertwined and are one more than ever. By doing so in the company of loved one, especially when it is your soul mate, the universe gets smaller and skin monumental mix of heaven and hell. Return to regain your senses after so it is impossible to love. Entanglement is such that my soul needs your body and my body your soul. Definitely
you stole my life. Including a past that I hate for not having had my hand, a present that I love that my senses are thine and a future in which I sleep in the prison of your lips, jailed in your soul and being a victim of swinging your body. Exploits my senses. Ideal love me this way only you know. As a slave that belongs to you I pray that you honor me with your visit. In this gallery that is our world; desnudémonos. Let us for each other. Just as our souls have been issued and as our senses have evolved manifest every day in every cell rejoices true love ...
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