Friday, October 8, 2010
By Carlos Esteban Cana
had come to the house inexhaustible La Peña. Nearby, a minister, with black book in his hands, listening to another "Associate of God" who advised him to have made a similar throne who claimed to have in your own temple. Another gentleman, open jacket, looked impatiently, the rolex on his right hand while cursing that he called "sister" from her cell phone. At the entrance I was greeted by a girl hunched. I explained that I had with me a copy of Tales traitors to the author and owner of La Peña, Rubis Camacho me autograph. The girl, airy look, I said: Go ahead, you can spend.
huge green courtyard in the priest ran after a cat, while a former drama teacher, I recognized from my college years, watched him from a willow courageous. Suddenly, two pigeons, transfigured in white, crossed my way and listened, and laughed, a voice that commanded enthusiastic: "Baila, Píndora, dance!" And another exclaimed happily: "Arcadia!".
In a bank, a brunette with allspice smell feet, smiled the famous lullaby sang the cuckoo comes and you will eat, like having a baby in her arms. Would follow road to the residence but an old man, honorable and decent spirit, I stopped. I almost spoiled my shoes a folded paper that had fallen from his pocket. Until then made an effort to not judge anything, just observing what was around me in silence. But when the noise in a nearby foliage were detectable and saw the staggering gait of a servant with an arrow on the side, I started looking at the landscape differently. As if all this were not enough, the high flight of an eagle on these sites increased my surprise. Given the rarity of the picture did not want to delay and entered the La Peña.
a doctor in the waiting room and the judge for the stethoscope, stroking a card with the image of a boy with big eyes and watery. In another corner, the clerical collar of a minister encouraged me to ask where her friend was a writer, but his eyes sullen, as if he resented the vast landscape, made me give up. I, however, approach the woman wearing a brimmed hat. However, it did not seem prudent to stop because he looked concentrated in the letter he wrote.
Once in the hall, low regueton forceful and relentless imposed his presence. Among the furniture, a executioner cleaned gently, as if his fingers were skillful in touch, bloody blade of a guillotine. Under the intense red rotating light bulb, a couple For its part, passionately kissing a poster behind him. A shaman, those that appear in documentaries, hands the head of a guerrilla in what I assumed was a ritual. And Wonder Woman, bracelets, red and gold outfit, turned in on itself as if the globe is involved. About
a table full of fruits and snacks, a young man with headphones, muddy an exaggerated amount of pork rinds with cream cheese and butter. It seems that he saw an expression on my face because he shouted he was late for work and therefore the snack. What I was puzzled to see, in the center of the table, yellow teeth and a beating heart, wrapped in skin of a lion.
A man, glowing like a torch, said another way. And the echo of a kind of prophetic voice was installed in the hall: 'Peter, you're a miracle. " Stunned, I do not know how I came to the vast library of La Peña, full of interesting titles. It was not the only one I found in the sacred enclosure. A few individuals talked animatedly about Tales traitors. Me, I tend to be shy, without any modesty, perhaps to be among books, I approached. One of the companions, thin, small mustache, commented on the betrayal of the very title of the book and noted the neat language, full of vibrancy and color of those stories. Another of the speakers, in black beard with some aspect of hunting, pointed out that Story was not a traitor, but was actually two books. As if he drove a perfect Decalogue, referring our attention to the first nine stories. From page 57, he insisted, started another book. For its part, the woman in the group, with a French accent said, however, good management was the author of tradition and the universe of myths. And when the last of them stressed the organic aspect of the book (evident in the careful management of short stories) and the pleasure he felt at the lightness he jumped into her eyes without the above details childish implying in the content-saw the light. I immediately recognized those who validated the book Rubis Marquis René Camacho Immersed in silence and a town called San Juan, Quiroga Horacio Juan Darien and the Tales of the Jungle, the Loves of Marguerite Yourcenar and Italo Calvino Why read the classics and six proposals for the next millennium. In that moment, I wondered about what he thought of the book, alarm clock rang.
So I had to wait until today for the Puerto Rican writer Rubis Camacho autograph me this excellent book. Thank

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