Sunday, May 1, 2011

How International Colour Chart Works

Celeste skin

She lives in this world and another, the earthly and the astral. His back is adorned with velvet wings that achieve both we rise. In their nakedness I can appreciate the brilliance of centuries of experience. His hair dance to the charge of my body and she encourages the pleasure achieved astronomical magnitudes. The brightness of his eyes and blind me a lei dreams goodbye the smell of poachers. I caught their verticality. My eyes, tongue, fingers, sex, all me, me at dawn transmuted passions, panting and craving dawn of renewed ...
her waist with my arms, looking imprison me, make it an accomplice my lust love baptize me and not the destination. Music that accompanies what I am when I enter himself, and met his gaze. The humidity inside is cool and drink with admiration of his taste. I'm going on holiday to erect nipples that are bathed in rose water and gently bite marks wanting to leave my pace and presence in them. Biting his intimacy with the same intention: to be the owner. Patented my property and removing any doubt that float around in the Eden from which she hails.
in his being has the beautiful moments and ... my eternal paradigms. The passion with which we love is shown in for nothing furtive kisses. Pats increases tone and very well designed in the heat of spontaneity. I watch her bite her lips as her eyes closed and his hands caressing herself in the justification of our existence. I see full of pleasure as his fingers are lost in the abuse and consumption of the only drug that we like: pleasure. We
healing and rediscovering past this. Each stroke becomes the love start and amplified to quantities that perhaps only she understands, as I was moaning and lost in despair. I want to explode as soon as I discovered naked, be early inside I only touch and delight of this feeling is such that I find myself living pleasures are unmatched with the underworld. She is a celestial being, told me and I believed him, evidenced by my eternal moments.
I look back on his back, I find that if not for the shape of their wings would describe it as a fairy and not as an angel. Their wings turned into his eye around me, I levitate. Distinguish spasms in his skin. I am the eternal man and she the angel, both immortalized by love, both in love with our pleasures and the air we breathe together. We are each missing part of my devotion to another and seek to continue harvesting flowers adorning his neck and hits to cuddle inside the flesh showing that love can be accompanied ...
Levites together ... it's so delicious I can barely open my eyes ... smile ... I do it while I recognize that we mortals we have to suffer for long if a celestial spirit makes us love ...


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